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15.-________he managed to solve the problem?

-Oh,he turned to Professor Lee for advice.

A.Was it how that                      B.Was it that how

C.How was it that                      D.How it was that


14.That________my first visit to Hong Kong,I didn’t know where I should go first.There were so many things to enjoy.

A.was           B.being            C.to be            D.to have been


13.Her efforts resulted________her success while her brother’s failure resulted________his laziness.

A.from;from      B.from;in         C.in;from         D.in;in


12.Bob________after his classmate in the classroom when his teacher________.

A.ran;turned up                     B.was running;turned up

C.was running;would turn up            D.had run;would turn up


11.-Helen hasn ’t shown up so far.It’s five past seven.

-It’s________of her to keep others waiting.Now,let’s go.I have no patience.

 A.casual          B.common          C.regular           D.typical


10.She was very hard­working ________he was very lazy.As a result,she passed the examination,but he failed.

A.when            B.since           C.while            D.as


9.-Do you have any problem in getting accustomed  to________in the north?

-Yes.It is too cold in winter.

A.live             B.living           C.having lived       D.have lived


8.________the training of the FDS company,Jackson  Sharoff  was  offered  an  important  position  in management.

A.Receiving                         B.Having received

 C.Having been received                D.Received


7.She will have to find some other job,for she can’t________this loud noise any more.

A.come up with     B.keep up with      C.end up with          D.put up with


6.On the bank of the river,we found him________on a  bench,with his eyes________on a kite in the sky.

A.seated;fixing                       B.seating;fixed

 C.sitting;fixed                       D.sitting;fixing

