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1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是                   ( )

    A.旖旎(yǐ nǐ)  水艇(qiǎn) 赫一时(xuān) 不有初,鲜克有终(mǐ)

    B.架(kuàng)  电局(gōng) 守不渝(kè)  茕孑立,形影相吊(qióng)

    C.参(yù)    国子(jiàn) 私舞弊(xún)  蚌相争,渔翁得利(yù)

    D.妆(liàng)  梁骨(jǐ)   前后恭(jū) 月而风,础润而雨(yūn)









Ming-bai:  How are you getting along with your English?

Hu-tu:   No b  76   than ever before.

Ming-bai:  How come? It is said that you have been working hard and have made some progress.

Hu-tu:   But the problem is, only under the g  77   of my tutor can I be advancing g  78   (or little by little).I can’t concentrate on my homework without being tutored.

Ming-bai:  No wonder.You should believe in yourself.You should develop the ability to teach yourself English.As you know, it is by working hard on his own that your classmate Cheng Zhang-qi was a  79   into a key university in Senior 2.We should learn from him.

Hu-tu:   That is right.Much of the blame for my disability to study English goes on my parents.They are always f  80   me all sorts of tutors to help me with all my subjects.

Ming-bai:  What a pity! You should convince them that you can work well by yourself and ask your headmaster to criticize your parents.

Hu-tu:   Thank you for your tips.

Ming-bai:  I am told that you are good at English grammar.

Hu-tu:   But I am poor in memorizing words and I wonder how to e  81   my vocabulary.

Ming-bai:  That is because you are forced to be instructed by your tutor and so have not enough time to absorb and digest knowledge, including words and expressions.

Hu-tu:   I see.Words and expressions are hard to remember and especially English u  82   is hard to master.For instance, I don’t know how to apply “resemble” and “look like”.

Ming-bai:  Oh, they d  83   in structure but they are the same in meaning.The former is a transitive verb and the latter is a verb phrase.

Hu-tu:   Thank you for your e  84  .Now I can distinguish between them.How on earth do you improve your English?

Ming-bai:  We should read and listen to some English readers and accumulate our words day by day.If so, you will be able to c  85  your feelings and ideas in English in time.

Hu-tu:   Thank you.I will study the way you have just mentioned.


“Soon, you are going to move it out!” cried my neighbor upon seeing the largest plant known to mankind, or at least known in my neighborhood.

One tiny 9-inch plant, bought  36  $1.25 in the spring, has already  37  over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, and is  38  on its way to the front door.

Roses require a good  39  of care, and if it weren’t the  40  they give, it wouldn’t be worth the work. 41  it is, I have a garden full of sweet-smelling roses for  42  of the year.Bushes must be pruned [剪枝]in early spring, leaving ugly woody branches until the new  43  appears a few weeks later.It was the space available in the garden  44  led me into planting just one little tomato plant.A big mistake.

Soil conditions made just perfect for roses  45   to be even more perfect for tomatoes.The daily watering coupled with[加上]  46  sun and regular fertilizing[施肥]have turned the little plant into a tall  47 .The cage[笼状护栏] I placed around it as the plant grew has long since  48  under the thick leaves.

Now the task I  49  in harvesting the fruit is twofold [双重的]:First, I have to find the red ones  50  the leaves, which means I  51  have to stand on my head, and once found I have to  52  down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdrawn[缩回]my full fist without dropping the prize so dearly won.I found two full-blown white roses completely hidden as I picked tomatoes in June.But they were weak and the leaves already yellow for  53  of light.

Here I am faced with a painful small decision: To  54  a wonderful and productive tomato plant that offers up between ten and twenty ripe sweet tomatoes each day or say good-bye to several expensive and  55  roses.Like Scarlet in Gone With the Wind, I’ll think about that tomorrow.

36.A.for           B.with           C.at            D.by

37.A.got           B.taken          C.pulled         D.turned

38.A.very          B.highly         C.well           D.straightly

39.A.lot            B.number        C.plenty         D.deal

40.A.puzzle         B.pleasure        C.blank          D.assistance

41.A.Whatever       B.However       C.As            D.Wherever

42.A.most          B.much          C.all            D.whole

43.A.wealth         B.strength        C.growth         D.length

44.A.where         B.which         C.that           D.when

45.A.break out       B.put out         C.run out         D.turn out

46.A.full           B.suitable        C.ideal          D.bright

47.A.bed           B.bush          C.rose           D.tomato

48.A.disappeared     B.arose          C.faded          D.wandered

49.A.attempt        B.face           C.evaluate        D.chew

50.A.between        B.in            C.among         D.on

51.A.almost         B.altogether       C.already         D.alone

52.A.reach          B.fall           C.lie            D.lay

53.A.tone           B.enough         C.lack           D.short

54.A.pick up        B.tear up         C.round up       D.bring up

55.A.treasured       B.torn           C.tired          D.troubled


35.____ women are the equals of men in having the vote, taking paid employment and receiving higher education, they receive much less consideration than formerly, ____ the whole basis of politeness towards women is the feeling that they need protection.

    A.Since; for    B.Given; but      C.Considering; or   D.For; however

