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28. The country has ______ too many wars, making her people suffer a lot.

  A. cut through     B. gone through       C. look through       D. came across


27. - What did the teacher say?  -He told me     _again.

A. not to late    B. didn’t be late    C. not to be late     D. to be not late


26. As you know, he left three years ago. He ______ to me ever since.

A. didn’t write     B. hasn’t written      C. don’t wrote      D. hadn’t written


25. To improve your spoken English, you’ d better listen to the tape _______ .

A. generally     B. fluently     C. frequently   D. gradually


24. Last night Li Ping watched the football match at home when he ________ his homework.

A. need have done      B. must haven done

C. should have done     D. could have worked


23. -Why did you talk to the teacher after class?

  - I don’t understand _______ during the lecture.

A. the problem did she tell us      B. how did she say    

C. that she was talking about      D. what she was teaching


22. He made     little progress _______ his parents felt disappointed.

   A. such ; that    B. so ; that    C. such a ; that       D. so ; as


第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. I am so busy at the moment that I will not _______ your discussion.

A. join        B. join in          C. take part       D. attend

