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1、----How about some coffee?

----It’s very kind of you.    .

A、That’s all right    B、It tastes nice and sweet  

C、Just a little,please   D、I enjoyed very much


15、----Guess what?Idrove my new car at a speed of 100 km this afternoon.It was fun.

----Were you crazy?You   yourself!

A、can kill    B、might kill   C、would have killed   D、could have killed

1-----5DCDDD    6----10ACBCC   11----15CCDBD



14、----Congratulations to you!I hear you got the first in the English Speech Contest.

----    .

A、Don’t mention.I think that’s only my past.

B、 Thanks.But I think I could have done better.

C、There’s nothing to cheer for.

D、No,no.It’s a piece of cake.


13、----I have never spoken ill of Mary.

----   you don’t like her.

A、If   B、Because    C、So that    D、Though


12、----   Please!

----This is Johnson.Could someone please come to 123 Hall Street?  My house has been

broken into.

A、What can I do for you?    B、Morning!

C、Paschal Police Station     D、I’m Paschal Police Station


11、----Would you like   ,sir?

----No,thanks.I have had much.

A、some more oranges    B、any more oranges   

C、some more orange    D、any more orange


10、----Maggie had a wonderful time at the party.

----   ,and so did I.

A、So she had    B、So had she    C、So she did    D、So did she


9、----It’s cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.

----    .

A、Yes,take it easy    B、Well,it just depends   

C、Ok,just in case    D、All right,you’re welcome


8、----I really need to talk to you.     .

----Sure.What’s the matter with you?

A、I have a real problem      B、Do you have a minute

C、What can I tell you       D、I feel so terrible


7、----It’s five years since I worked here.

----    ?

A、Have you worked here happily     B、How long will you work here

C、Where do you work now        D、Do you want to work here longer

