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The last time I saw my father, I asked him to go out for a  36  with me. The sun was setting over the lake and I said,“Come on. We don’t  37  much time together any more. Let’s go. ”Father looked at me meaningfully and said,“  38  . ”

That visit to my father was about a week before September 11 th. I was near Ground Zero on that day and for five hours  39  the first plane struck, my family did not know of my whereabouts(下落). 40  for me I arrived back at our home in Brooklyn. My biggest  41   was that my wife told me my father was  42  to drive from his home on Lake Huron to Ground Zero to find me.

To love the remote father is to face this paradox(矛盾):to accept his refusal of my  43   for a sunset walk with his worry that I might have died with thousands of others last September; to deeply know, if not accept,that that is his way, the way a man of  44  words,snowblower of shut-ins and lonely hearts,can best show a father’s love.

25. A. day       B. time      C. year        D. summer


24.      by his friends and relatives,he decided to file his invention with the patent office to get recognition for his successful idea.

 A. Having pressed                 B. Being pressed      C. To be pressed   D. Pressed


23. -Wow, you have a really good voice. I      you were good at singing.

 -Thank you.

 A. haven’t known  B. don’t know                C. didn’t know   D. hadn’t known


22. He felt cast down because his      to be a teacher was rejected.

 A. ambition     B. expectation                     C. inspiration D. application


21. Chaplin,for     life had once been very hard,Was a success as an actor

 A. whom        B. whose         C. who           D。/


20. He quickly      a large fortune after he came to do business in this city.

 A. accelerated                    B. accumulated      C. promoted D. calculated


19.     is known to us all is that Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.

 A. As          B. It             C. That          D. What


18. Rain is pouring down from the sky without any sign of stopping. Farmers begin to worry about their crops since it     as long as 24 hours.

 A. has been raining                 B. had rained   C. was raining     D. will rain


17. We haven’t seen each other for many years,so I am quite     the plan that we have a party this weekend.

 A. in terms of   B. in honour of                     C. in favour of     D. in need of

