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5.The________man said the________of the rope must be________so that it could be used to pull the car out of the mire.(strong)

答案:1.limited,limit,limitation 2.energetic,efficiently 3.curious,curiosity bine,combination 5.strong,strength,strong


4.We must learn to________work with pleasure as the______will improve the work efficiency.(combine)


3.The little boy was________about everything and his________helped him discover the important chemical element.(curious)


2.Tom is________(energy)and everybody says he is always working________.(efficient)


1.My spoken English is________,which will________my choice.I know the________and so I’d like to work as an editor instead of an interpreter.(limit)


12.in 13.fun 14.let 15.work

人教新课标必修三Unit 2



Festivals of all 1.________are held everywhere.Some festivals,2.________Obon in Japan and Halloween in Western countries,are held to honour the 3.________or to satisfy and please the ancestors,who could return either to help or to do 4.________.Other festivals 5.________be held in memory of famous people or the gods,such as the Dragon Boat Festival in China and Columbus Day in the USA.

Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy 6.________.People are 7.________because their food is gathered for the winter.People get together to have meals and some win 8.________for the crops they have harvested and animals they have raised.The most 9.________and important festivals are the ones 10.________celebrate the end of winter and the coming of 11.________.At the Spring Festival in China,family members will get together to have a dinner of reunion and give children lucky money 12.________red paper to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

People love to get together to eat,drink and have 13.________with each other.Festivals 14.________us enjoy life,be proud of our customs and forget our 15.________ for a while.

答案:1.kinds 2.like 3.dead 4.harm 6.events

7.grateful 8.awards 9.energetic 10.that 11.spring


7.They give children lucky money and look forward to the wonderful future.

[连句成篇] Every country in the world has its special festivals,some of which are interesting and have a long history.The Spring Festival in China takes place at the end of December of Chinese Lunar Calendar.Before the Spring Festival,people often get everything ready for it,such as doing family cleaning and buying new clothes for the family.On the New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner and all the members of the family try to get back for the dinner no matter how far away they are.On the first day of the new year,dressed up in new clothes,people visit their friends and relatives,giving children lucky money and looking forward to the wonderful future.

