0  426474  426482  426488  426492  426498  426500  426504  426510  426512  426518  426524  426528  426530  426534  426540  426542  426548  426552  426554  426558  426560  426564  426566  426568  426569  426570  426572  426573  426574  426576  426578  426582  426584  426588  426590  426594  426600  426602  426608  426612  426614  426618  426624  426630  426632  426638  426642  426644  426650  426654  426660  426668  447090 

29.Recently two pieces of wrapping paper dating from about 700 years ago ____ the earliest paper advertisements, much older than similar ads in the west.

    A.have considered              B.considered   

    C.were considered               D.have been considering


28.-Yeah, but not now, Tom.

   -Okay, I   .

    A.just ask                        B.have just asked  

    C.am just asking                   D.was just asking


26.I didn’t like her at first, but in the end I ____ got quite fond of her.

A.exactly    B.fluently        C.frequently    D.actually

27 Advertisements ____ at us from the television screen and radio loudspeakers, wave to us from every page of the newspaper, signal to us from the roadside billboards all day and flash messages to us in colored lights all night.

A.fascinate    B.shout         C.stare          D.appeal


25.A recent survey shows ____ great social changes, traditional values like family harmony still play an important role in Chinese people in heart.

A.in spite of                     B.in charge of   

C.as a consequence of                D.in return for


24.Kitty’s life was ____ normal, and as an athlete, Kitty was far above average.When she gave up diving, she wanted danger and adventure.

A.nothing but   B.all but        C.anything but    D.everything but


23.____ else does this kind of forest exist in the world.

  A.Anywhere    B.Somewhere    C.Everywhere     D.Nowhere


22.Schools that serve healthier foods, offer nutrition education and reward students for nutritious eating habits can make a major ____ in preventing childhood obesity [肥胖].

A.mistake       B.sense        C.impression      D.difference


21.The teacher dismissed his students with ____ wave of ____ hand a second before the bell rang.

A.a; 不填    B.the; a         C.a; the        D.a; a

