0  427576  427584  427590  427594  427600  427602  427606  427612  427614  427620  427626  427630  427632  427636  427642  427644  427650  427654  427656  427660  427662  427666  427668  427670  427671  427672  427674  427675  427676  427678  427680  427684  427686  427690  427692  427696  427702  427704  427710  427714  427716  427720  427726  427732  427734  427740  427744  427746  427752  427756  427762  427770  447090 

13、I don’t think she had a good time there this summer,    ?

A、do I     B、had she   C、did she     D、didn’t she


12、It is the ability to do the job   matters not where you come from or what you are.

A、one      B、that    C、what     D、it


11、----I can’t find Mr White.Where did you meet him this morning?

----It was in the office   he worked.

A、when     B、that    C、where     D、which


10、If you are to give a party in your own home,then it must be done perfectly or    .

A、above all     B、not at all     C、after all      D、not in the least


9、This new book is designed to help you.In no way   to make your life more difficult or less fun.

A、does it mean   B、is it intended   C、it can intend    D、it means


8、If you don’t go there,   .

A、so won’t I   B、nor do I    C、neither shall I     D、so don’t I


7、It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages   attracted the audience’s interest.

A、so that   B、that    C、what      D、in which


6、   did we go swimming in the Changjiang River.

A、Only    B、Once    C、Seldom    D、when


5、Not only   polluted but   crowded.

A、was the city;were the streets     B、the city was;were the streets

C、was the city;the streets were     D、the city was;the streets were


4、Only by practising a few hours every day   be able to master the language.

A、you can     B、can you        C、you will       D、will you

