0  427577  427585  427591  427595  427601  427603  427607  427613  427615  427621  427627  427631  427633  427637  427643  427645  427651  427655  427657  427661  427663  427667  427669  427671  427672  427673  427675  427676  427677  427679  427681  427685  427687  427691  427693  427697  427703  427705  427711  427715  427717  427721  427727  427733  427735  427741  427745  427747  427753  427757  427763  427771  447090 

8、Dr Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge.I can’t remember    .

A、where    B、what    C、which     D、that


7、   ,he never seems able to do the work beautifully.

A、Try as he does   B、As he tries    C、Try as does he     D、As try he does


6、So   that no fish can live in it.

A、shallow is the lake   B、the lake is shallow   

C、shallow the lake is   D、is the lake shallow


5、Why!I have nothing to admit.   you want me to say?

A、What is it that   B、What it is that    C、How is it that    D、How it is that


4、----Susan,will you please go and empty that drawer?

----    ?

A、How is it   B、What is it   C、What for    D、How come


3、   snacks and drinks,but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.

A、Not only they brought   B、Not only did they bring

C、Not only brought they   D、Not only they did bring


2、The women carrying babies,come in first,   ?

A、will you  B、will they  C、don’t they   D、don’t you


1、Was it in this house   you were born?

A、which   B、where   C、that    D、in which


15、The new bridge,when   ,will greatly benefit the development of this area.

A、completes  B、completing   C、completed   D、to be completed

1-----5BBBDC  6----10CBCBB    11----15CBCAC



14、The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the busy street,but his mother told him    .

A、not to    B、not to do  C、not do it     D、do not to

