0  428051  428059  428065  428069  428075  428077  428081  428087  428089  428095  428101  428105  428107  428111  428117  428119  428125  428129  428131  428135  428137  428141  428143  428145  428146  428147  428149  428150  428151  428153  428155  428159  428161  428165  428167  428171  428177  428179  428185  428189  428191  428195  428201  428207  428209  428215  428219  428221  428227  428231  428237  428245  447090 

9、Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games    in Beijing in 2008.

A、held   B、holding    C、to hold    D、to be held


8、The squirrel was lucky that it just missed    .

A、catching    B、to be caught   C、being caught   D、to catch


7、Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and   Jokes.

A、turning up    B、putting up   C、making up   D、showing up


6、The manager had fallen asleep where he    ,without undressing.

A、was laying   B、was lying    C、had laid    D、had lied


5、I would love   to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A、to go    B、to have gone    C、going    D、having gone


4、I don’t whether you happen    ,but I’m going to study in the U.S.A.this September.

A、to be heared   B、to be hearing   C、to hear    D、to have heared


3、It was after graduation that he began    his teacher’s kindness.

A、understanding   B、knowing   C、realizing   D、to understand


2、She reached the top of the hill and stopped    on a big rock by the side of the path.

A、to have rested   B、resting    C、to rest    D、rest


1、----I hear John   in a middle school.

----What?I can’t imagine him   as a teacher.

A、teach;to work   B、teaches;working    C、teaches;to work    D、teach;working


15、    in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A、To wait    B、Have waited    C、Having waited     D、To have waited

1-----5DAADD    6----10CDBCB    11---15DBBAC


