0  428917  428925  428931  428935  428941  428943  428947  428953  428955  428961  428967  428971  428973  428977  428983  428985  428991  428995  428997  429001  429003  429007  429009  429011  429012  429013  429015  429016  429017  429019  429021  429025  429027  429031  429033  429037  429043  429045  429051  429055  429057  429061  429067  429073  429075  429081  429085  429087  429093  429097  429103  429111  447090 

35. ------ I heard that there were a lot of shouts and screams at yesterday’s party. It must have been terrible.

  ------- Oh, no. ________ , I enjoyed every minute.

  A. In the end           B. As a result

  C. On the other hand        D. On the contrary


34. Suspecting the traveler of carrying drugs, the Customs official stopped him and ______  suitcase, but found nothing at all.

   A. looked up  B. went through  C. searched for  D.  referred to


33. The old professor told us that every part of the materials should be made use of _____ the station.

   A. building   B. to build   C. build    D. being built


32. Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents _______ students got injured or killed while in school .

   A. that     B. when    C. in which  D. for which


31. ------ Have you seen your nephew lately?

  ------ Yes, in fact, I saw him yesterday. I ______ him for three years.

   A. haven’t   B. didn’t    C. hadn’t   D. don’t


30. Bob Geldof, who organized Live Aid, ______ to raise money for the famine and it ______ to be a great success.

   A. intended; turned out        B. tried; turned over

   C. hoped; turned in         D. wished; turned up


29. ------ Bob failed in the exam again .

  ------ He _____  it ; he never worked hard .

   A. deserved  B. succeeded  C. missed   D. considered


28. There are ______ to show that a new , different city is coming out of its dark past .

   A. signals  B. marks    C. signs    D. symbols


27. ------ Can I pay the bill by check ?

  ------ Sorry, sir. But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment _______ be made in cash.

   A. shall   B. can     C. will     D. may

