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2. to agree ,by a vote, to provide (sth. ) 议决

n. an act of making a choice or decision by means of voting 投举,表决,选举。

votes, voted, voting, voter (投票人)

voting Rights Bill 选举权法案

volleyball ['v lib :l] n. a game in which a large ball is struck by hand 排球

voyage [v id ] n. a long journey made by boat or ship 航行 航海

a voyage, voyages, voyager (航行者)

Bon voyage ! 旅途愉快!


wait [weit] vi. to not do something or go somewhere

until something else happens, someone arrives etc. 等,等候.

n. [singular] a period of time in which you

wait for something to happen, someone to

arrive etc. 等候.

wait for (prep) 等候.

wait on (prep) 服侍,侍候.

waiting room 候诊车,候车室.

waiter n.(餐厅)服务员.

waitress n. 女服务员.

wake [weik] v. (woke, waked or woken) to stop sleeping or to make someone stop sleeping. 醒,醒来.

wake up 醒来,叫醒.

Syn. awake

walk [w :k] 1. vi. to move along putting one foot in front of the other. 走,步行


3. 语态

voices, voiced (loud-voiced) 大嗓门的

at the top of one’s voice; very loudly 高声的

raise one’s voice: to speak louder 提高嗓门

vote [v ut] v. 1. to express one’s choice officially 投票,选举,表决


2. an opinion 意见


2. a list of words, usu. in alphabetical order 词汇表

voice [v is] n. 1. the sounds produced by people when speaking and singing 声音


3. a personal opinion , belief or idea 意见,观点,见解

a view , views , viewer (收视率,观众)

syn. scene , scenery

in one's view 在某人看来,依某人见解

in view 在视野之内

in view of 由于,鉴于

with a view to doing

viewer ['vju: ] n. a person watching TV 电视观众,观看者

village ['vilid ] n. a collection of houses and other buildings in a country area, smaller than a town 乡村,村庄

villager ['vilid ] n. a person who lives in a village 村民,乡下人

vinegar ['vinig ] n. an acid tasting liquid 醋,食用醋

violence ['vai l ns] n. very great force in action or feeling; use of bodily force to hurt or harm 猛烈,剧烈;暴动,暴力行为

violent ['vai l nt] adj. using, showing or produced by great damaging force 猛烈的,激烈的。

more/most violent, violence, violently

violin [,vai’lin]n. a four-stringed musical instrument 小提琴。

violinist 小提琴家, violins

visit [visit] v. to go and spend time in (a place) or with (a person) 拜访,访问,游览;to go to make an official examination 视察,巡视;

n. an act or time of visiting 参观,访问,探望。

a visit, visits, visitor

pay a visit to

visitor [visit] n. a person who visits 访问者,参观者,来宾,游客

pay a visit to

vocabulary [v 'k bjul ri] n.1. all the words known to a particular person 词汇


2. sight 视力,视野


2. great in size or amount 巨额的, 大量的。

vaster, vastest, vastly, vastness

syn. giant, huge

vegetable ['ved it bl] n. a (part of a ) plant that is grown for food 蔬菜, 菜

very ['veri] adv. especially , to a great degree 很,十分,非常

very well

verb [ :b] n. a word or phrase that tells what someone or something is , does, or experiences 动词。

verbs, verbal adj. 口头的。

Venus ['vi:n s] n. the planet second in order from the sun, and next to the earth 金星,太白星

victory ['vikt ri] n. (常与in, over连用) (an) act of winning or state of having won 胜利,战胜,克服

video ['vidi u] n. & adj. connected with or used in the showing of picture by television; an instrument which record picture and sound 电视的,视频的,录象带

a video, videos

videophone ['vidi nf un] n. a phone that has picture showing while telephoning 可视电话

view [vju:] n. 1. (与of 连用) (a picture or photograph of) something seen from a particular place 风景,景色


2. a group or collection containing different sorts of the same thing or people 种种,各种各样

a variety of 种种的, 多种多样的。

vast [va:st] adj. 1. very large and wide 巨大的, 广阔的


3. worth compared with the amount paid 值得. 合算

valuable, valueless

syn. worth , price

of value 有价值的

variety [v 'r I ri] n. 1. the stare of varying; difference of condition or quality 变化,多样性


2. the worth of something in money 价值

