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2. friendly in a way that makes you feel comfortable


warm up 暖起来

warm-blooded adj. (动物的)热血的

warm-hearted adj. 热情的,亲切的

syn. hot

ant. cool

warn [w :n] vi. & vt. 1. to tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen, so that can avoid it or prevent it 警告


3.[C, U] a situation in which a person or group is fighting for power,

influence, or control 竞争

at war 在交战

syn. battle

warm [w):m] adj. 1. slightly hot, especially pleasantly 暖和的,温暖的


2.[C, U] a struggle over a long period of time to control something

harmful 斗争


3. n.[C, U] something that you need but do not have 需要

物+want+动名词 ...需要...

syn. need

war [w :] n. 1.[C] a particular period of time when countries fight with soldiers and weapons 战争


2. vt. to need something. 需要,必要.

want to do sth. 想做某事

want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事.


1. vt. to have a desire for something.要,想要.


3. the side of something hollow, such as a pipe or tube


want [w)nt] v. (not usually in progressive)


2. one of the sides of a room or building(房间,楼房)的墙


3. to walk for pleasure and exercise especially

in the country side. 散步.

n. [C] a journey that you make by walking, especially for exercise or

enjoyment 步行,散步

go out for a walk 出去,散步

have a walk/take a walk 散步

wall [w :l] n.[C] 1. an upright flat structure made of stone or brick that divides one area from another 围墙,城墙


2. vt. to walk in order to get somewhere, across

a particular area or distance. 走过,走遍

