0  430659  430667  430673  430677  430683  430685  430689  430695  430697  430703  430709  430713  430715  430719  430725  430727  430733  430737  430739  430743  430745  430749  430751  430753  430754  430755  430757  430758  430759  430761  430763  430767  430769  430773  430775  430779  430785  430787  430793  430797  430799  430803  430809  430815  430817  430823  430827  430829  430835  430839  430845  430853  447090 

12、It will take   to finish this course.

A、one and half year’s time      B、a year and a half’s time

C、a year and a half of time      D、a year and a half time


11、The great Pyramid is   high!

A、144 metre    B、144-metre    C、144 metres    D、144-metres


10、----Was his father strict with him when he was at school?

----Yes.He had never praised him   he became one of the top students in his grade.

A、after    B、unless     C、until     D、when


9、I hope you don’t mind me asking.    where did you buy those shoes?

A、So     B、And     C、Yet      D、But


8、You can’t understand the novel well    you understand the writer who wrote it.

A、though    B、whether    C、otherwise   D、unless


7、His bed-room is always    .

A、at six and seven   B、at sixes and sevens  

C、at sixth and seventh  D、at sixths and sevenths


6、There were   passengers waiting at the bus stop.

A、two scores     B、two scores of    C、scores     D、two score of


5、Three   of   students are needed to plant trees this afternoon.

A、hundred;the    B、hundreds;the    C、hundred;/    D、hundred;these


4、Paper produced every year is   the world’s production of vehicles.

A、the three times weight of     B、three times the weight of

C、as three times heavy as      D、three times as heavier as


3、----How many pens would you like,Madame?

----Well,I want   these.

A、three dozen  B、three dozen of   C、three dozens   D、three dozens of

