0  431067  431075  431081  431085  431091  431093  431097  431103  431105  431111  431117  431121  431123  431127  431133  431135  431141  431145  431147  431151  431153  431157  431159  431161  431162  431163  431165  431166  431167  431169  431171  431175  431177  431181  431183  431187  431193  431195  431201  431205  431207  431211  431217  431223  431225  431231  431235  431237  431243  431247  431253  431261  447090 

35.The average cost of a new house per square meter has _____ by 5% to ₤4000.

    A.sent up        B.come up      C.gone up       D.risen up


34.He's a good teacher, but his inappropriate manner does tend ______ people.

    A.to annoy       B.annoying      C.annoy       D.to annoying


33.She kept_____ playing computer games the whole time, which resulted ____her failure in the exam.

     A.up; from      B.on; from      C.up; in        D.on; in


32.To celebrate her mother’s birthday, she prepared ______ drink and cakes, sharing with neighbours.

     A.a large number of                B.a great deal of 

    C.a large quantity of                D.a great many


31.The bus drew up______ the road to pick up an old man.

    A.alongside      B.amidst        C.beyond       D.in front of


30.I _____banning trucks in the city centre because it will reduce air pollution and noise.

    A.assist         B.advocate      C.admit        D.oppose


29.-Where are you going for the summer vacation?

-I don’t mind where we get ______there’s sun, sea and beach.

    A.as if           B.so long as       C.now that        D.in order that


28.It feels quite _______to take a bath after work. In other words, you will be ______.

    A.refreshed ; relaxed               B.refreshing ;relaxing   

    C.refreshed ; relaxing               D.refreshing ; relaxed  

