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46. “You _____ be able to speak French for this job,” he told me at the interview.

  A. must     B. may       C. can      D. need


45. The hotel _____ me $ 5 for a room for the night.

  A. offered    B. charged     C. spent      D. cost


44. My new secretary is very quick; she _____ a lot of work in one morning.

A. gets over    B. gets across    C. gets round    D. gets through


43. Look! Your necklace looks nice_____ me and I’m thankful _____ your kindness.

A. on; for     B. in; for      C. in; to      D. on; to


42. It was in the earthquake area _____ we saw a lot of soldiers and doctors _____the people there.

A. where; save   B. that; saving    C. where; saving  D. that; to saved


41. Our teacher always says only by working hard _____ attend college and get more knowledge.

  A. we can     B. we would    C. can we     D. would we


40. There didn’t seem much point in _____ an excuse to get leave from your company.

A. holding up   B. making up    C. looking up   D. using up


39. He ________ a ticket as he could enter free.

A. shouldn’t have bought            B. must have bought

C. needn’t have bought         D. might have bought


38. She ____the cake bought by her mother ____ her friends present at her birthday party.

  A. divided; into  B. divided; among  C. separated; from  D. separated; among


37. In his victory speech, ______ before a crowd of his supporters in Chicago, Obama said that "change has come to America."

  A. being made   B. making     C. to be made    D. made

