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41. The Department is also deeply _____ in various improvement schemes.

A. connected   B. included   C. involved   D. implied

[答案] C. involved.

[注释]be involved in 参与。Be included in 包括在......中。


40. Jim's plans to go to college _____ at the last moment.

A. fell out B. gave away  C. gave off   D. fell through

 [答案] D. fell through,未能实现    [注释] 参阅III,49注释。


39. The old lady can't hope to _____ her cold in a few days.

  A. get over   B. get off   C. hold back   D. hold up

[答案] A. get over  [注释] 参阅III,55注释。


38. A university is an educational institution which _____ degrees and carries out research.

  A. rewards   B. awards   C. grants   D. presents

[答案] B. awards.

[注释]awards sb. sth. 授于某人某物。如:They awarded John the first prize. (他们授于约翰一等奖。)

对比:reward sb with sth. 以某物酬谢某人, 须加介词with; They rewarded the boy with $5 for bringing back the lost dog. (他们给这男孩5美元酬谢他把丢失的狗找回来。) grant (=consent to give or allow what is asked for) 同意 (给予) , 答应 (请求) :The firm granted him a pension. (公司同意给予他退休金。) present sb. with sth. 赠送:Our class presented the school with a picture. (我们班给学校送了一幅画。) present 颁发, 呈递:1) The principal will present the diplomas. (校长将颁发文凭。) 2) We shall present a complete report to the Annual Conference. (我们将向年会递交一份全面的报告。)

本题句意是:大学是授予学位和进行研究的教育机构。可见, 本题应选award.


37. He has the _____ of an athlete: he really goes all out to win.

A. instants B. instances C. instincts  D. intelligences

[答案] C. instincts.

[注释] instinct 天生的本领。instant n. 瞬间, 时刻; adj. 立即的, 直接的。如:instant coffee 速溶咖啡; instant food (s) 方便食品。例如:Spaceships are stocked with a variety of instant foods. (宇宙飞船上备有各种个样的方便食品。)


36. I can meet you at eight o'clock; _____ you can call for me.

  A. incidentally   B. actually

  C. alternatively   D. accordingly

[答案] C. alternatively

[注释]alternatively (=as an alternative) 作为一个替代办法:If however is used, but is not needed; or alternatively omit however. (如果使用however,就不需要but;或者作为一个替代办法省去however。)

[注意]alternately 和 alternatively的区别:alternately (交替地) :At a Chinese dinner, the guests and the hosts sit alternately at a round table.


35. We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly ------ what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.

A. benefits   B. guides   C. affects   D. effects

[答案] C. affects.

[注释] affect (=have an influence or effect on) 影响:The climate affected his health. (气候影响[损害]了他的健康。)

[注意]affect vt. 影响。effect n. (=influent) 影响, 作用:Some films have a misleading effect on children. effect vt. (=bring about) 实行, 进行, 产生......后果:1) I will effect my purpose: no-one shall stop me! 2) We hope to effect an improvement. (我们希望能引起改进。)

注意两个常用的习语:1) to that effect 那个意思的 (话) :She said she hated spinach, or words to that effect. (她说她不喜欢吃菠菜或那个意思的话。) 2) to the effect that... 意思时说, 表示下述意思:I said a few words the effect that all he had told us was already well known. (我说了几句话, 意思是说他告诉我们的一切都已众所周知。)


34. An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, _____ couldn't see his work on his machine.

A. however   B. therefore   C. yet   D. although

[答案] A. however. 

[注释] however 然而。

本题译文:早期的打字机打起字来又快又整齐, 然而打字员不能看着机器键盘打字。


33. Will all those _____ the proposal raise their hands?

  A. in relation to   B. in excess of

  C. in contrast to   D. in favor of

[答案] D. in favor of.

[注释] in favor of 赞成。in excess of 超过。in relation to 关系到。in contrast to 与......相对照。例如:

1) Everyone in the class voted in favor of the party. (=All of the children voted to have a party.)

2) We got $5000 in excess of the fixed sum. (我们盯定额多收入5000美元。)3) This appears small in contrast to (with) that. (这个同那个对比起来显得小了。)4) I have a lot to say in relation to that affair. (我对那件事有许多话要说。)

5) We must plan in (with) relation to the future. (我们定计划时要考虑到将来。)



32. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude.

A. changeable  B. alternate  C. movable  D. flexible

[答案] D. flexible.

[注释] flexible 灵活的, 可变通的; We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.

