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261. His test results are not very _____. He does well one week and badly the next.

A. invariable  B. consequent C. continuous D. consistent

[答案]D. consistent.

[注释]consistent 1)始终如一,前后一致:He is not consistent in his statements.(他的话并不前后一致。) 2)与......一致:The story is not consistent with the facts. What you say is not consistent with what you do.


260. Scientists think they have _____ in their attempt to find the causes of some major dieases.

  A. broken through   B. worked out

  C. fallen out     D. got round

[答案]A. broken through.

[注释]break through(=be successful after overcoming a difficulty)突破;取得重大成果:Scientists hope to break through soon in their fight against heart disease.(科学家希望在与心脏病斗争中很快取得重大成果。)



259. If you ever have the _____ to go abroad to work, you should take it.

A. possibility   B. offer   C. luck  D. chance

[答案]D. chance.

[注释]chance(偶然的)机会。Have与the(或 a) possibility不能搭配;常用There is a possibility for sb. to do sth.表示客观存在的“可能性”。


258. I'd like to take _____ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.

A. profit  B. benefit  C. advantage  D. interests

[答案]C. advantage.

[注释]take advantage of(=make use of sth. for one's own benefit)利用:take advantage of my ignorance(利用我的无知)。


257. I could tell he was surprised from the _____ on his face.

A. appearance   B. view   C. sight   D. expression

[答案]D. expression.



256. We had a marvelous holiday: only the last two days were slightly _____ by the weather.

  A. damaged   B. hurt   C. ruined   D. spoiled

[答案]D. spoiled.

[注释]spoiled使......扫兴: A shower of rain spoiled our day's outing.


255. The book seems to have been _____ from various books and articles.

  A. pieced together   B. taken off

  C. broken away     D. pulled out

[答案]A. pieced together.

[注释]piece together拼合,拼凑;take off起飞;break away from脱离;pull out拔出;驶出;(车)减速。


254. As more and more cars are produced and used, so the _____ from their exhaust-pipes contains an even larger volume of poisonous gas.

A. exposure  B. distribution  C. expansion  D. emission

[答案]D. emission.

[注释]emission散发物,发射。exposure(to)暴露于:They believe that their health problems are the result of years of exposure to fine cotton dust.(他们认为,他们的健康问题是多年来暴露于棉花粉尘所致。)expansion膨胀,扩大;Heat causes the expansion of gas.本题译文:正如汽车的生产和使用越来越多一样,汽车的排气管的散发物内所含的有毒气体量也在增加。


253. He left in such a hurry that I _____ had time to thank him.

A. almost   B. even   C. nearly   D. scarcely

[答案]D. scarcely.

[注释]scarcely(=hardly, not quite, almost not)几乎没有。Scarcely是否定副词,类似的有:hardly, barely, rarely, seldom, little等。研究生入学考试中经常测试这类否定副词的用法。


252. There are usually at least two _____ of looking at every question.

A. ways   B. directions   C. views   D. opinions

[答案]A. ways.

[注释]two ways of looking at every questions意指“观察每个问题的两个方面”。

