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14. role

  (1) (戏剧中的) 角色Oliver played (acted) the role / part of Hamlet.

  (2) (现实生活中的) 身份;作用

  What is your role on the Committee?

(3) play a...role in... = play a...part in在……中扮演……角色或作用The headmaster plays an important role / part in the good running of a school.


13. reason n. 原因;理由

  (1) + to do sth. You haven't any reason to leave me.

(2) + for sth. / doing People must have a reason for saying such things.

(3) + 从句;从句用why / for which引导 That is the reason why you should leave.

(4) for + reason,为了某种原因He is retiring for reasons of health.

[比较] cause“原因;起因”

 the cause of the fire 火灾的起因(引起某种后果的起因)

 the reason for being late 迟到的理由(做某件事的理由)


12. owe的用法owed, owing

▲ 搭配:

①(常与for连用)欠,欠债I owe you for your help.我感谢你的帮助。(也可以是owe sth.或owe sb. sth) The food cost £4 , but I only paid £3 so I still owe £1. 食品要4英镑,可我只付了3英镑,因此我还欠1英镑。I owe you an apology. 我该向你道歉。

☆ owe sb sth for sth 或 owe sth to sb for sth 为…欠某人…

② 对…负有义务;感恩;感激We owe our parents a lot. 我们十分感激父母。

③(常与to连用)归功于;由于She owes her success to good luck. 她把成功归功于幸运。The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement. 年轻作家把自己的成功归于他老师的鼓励。

[考例][2004湖北] "How much do I ____ you?" "Oh, no," Paul said.

   A. Owe   B. lend   C. give   D. offer


[答案与解析]A owe表示“欠”的时候是及物动词,可以接双宾语。


11. moment的用法 n.

① 片刻;瞬间 He will be here in a moment. 他一会儿就来。At the moment I am working.  此刻我正在工作。

② 时机;机遇;时宜 Choose your moment to visit him. 你选个合适的时机去拜访他。

③ 重要性 a matter of great moment



① at any moment 随时;在任何时候;马上

② at the last moment 在最后关头

③ at the moment 此刻;(正当)那时

④ every moment 时时刻刻

⑤ for a moment 片刻

⑥ in a moment 一会儿,不久;立即,马上

⑦ the moment(that)... 一……就……

[考例][NMET 2004 II] "Can I? I don't think I can," Racy said with a laugh. "But I do have ____ when things come to me for no reason."

   A. events  B. chances  C. feelings   D. moments

[考查目标] moment的词义。

[答案与解析] D moment可以指“时刻”,在本句中用了复数,意思是“一些次”。


10. marry

  (1) vi. 结婚  He didn't marry until he was fifty.

  (2) vt. 和……结婚  Jean is going to marry Hubert.

  (3) vt. (父母)嫁(女儿) He married his daughter to a businessman.

  (4) vt. (教士等) 为……主持结婚仪式 We've come to ask if you will marry them.


  (1) get married (to sb.) 强调动作

  His oldest girl got married last month.

  (2) be married (to sb.) 强调状态

  How long have you been married?


9. interrupt的用法vt, vi

① 阻断;中断 Don't interrupt me. 别打断我。Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。

② 打岔;插嘴 It is rude to interrupt. 打断别人的话,是不礼貌的。 “Don't interrupt,” he said.“别插话, ”他说。


① interrupter n. 打岔者,打断者

② interruption n. 打岔.打断,使中断的事物

[考例][2005山西模拟] Be quiet! It's rude to ____ people when they are talking.

   A. stop  B. introduce  C. prevent   D. interrupt

[考查目标] interrupt的词义。

[答案与解析]D  interrupt的意思是“打断;使中断”.



8. impression n. 印象

  (1) impression (on sb.) (给某人)印象His speech made a strong impression on his audience.

  (2) impression (of sth.) (对某事物)印象;想法That's my first impression of the new college.

  (3) impress sb. with sth. 给予某人深刻印象 = impress sth. on sb. 使某人铭记 The teacher impressed on his students the importance of speaking. = The teacher impre- ssed his students with the importance of speaking.


7. hunt的用法

▲ 构词:hunter n. 猎人,搜寻者

▲ 搭配:

① hunt for / after追猎;寻找,搜寻

② hunt out 找出;调查出

[考例]He wandered in the street, ____ a new jacket for his nephew.

   A. hunting for   B. waiting for

   C. shooting for   D. aiming for

[考查目标]本题考查hunt for的意思。

[答案与解析]A hunt for原来是“猎取”的意思,引中为“搜寻,寻找”。


6. escape (vi, vt ) escaped, escaping

  (1) 逃走;跑掉 + from / out of = run away from

  The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.

  (2)逃脱;逃避 + n. / doing

  He narrowly escaped death / being killed.

  There's no way to escape doing the work.


①(液体等)漏出 gas escaping from the pipe 煤气从管中漏出Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe. 水从排水管中迅速流出。

② 避免escaped death 免于一死There is no escaping him. 怎么也避不开他。

③ 疏忽,忽略 Nothing escaped his attention. 什么也逃不过他的注意。 You cannot expect that something may escape the teacher's attention. 你不要奢望有什么能逃过老师的注意。

escape n

① 逃走The thief made his escape. 小偷逃走了。

②(气体)漏出,泄出;解闷She reads love stories as an escape. 她读爱情小说解闷。


5. encourage的用法

▲ 构词:

① encouraging adj. 鼓励的,给予希望的,振奋人心的。令人欢欣鼓舞的

② encouraged adj. 被激励的,受到鼓舞的

③ encouragement n. 鼓励,激励

④ discourage v. 使泄气;劝阻

▲ 搭配:① encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 ② be encouraged by 受……鼓励/鼓舞

[考例] [2004北京]My advisor encouraged ___a summer course to improve my writing skills.

   A. for me taking   B. me taking

   C. for me to take   D. me to take

[考查目标] encourage的用法。

[答案与解析]D encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人干某事。句意为:我的导师鼓励我参加一个夏季课程来提高我的写作技巧。

