0  432869  432877  432883  432887  432893  432895  432899  432905  432907  432913  432919  432923  432925  432929  432935  432937  432943  432947  432949  432953  432955  432959  432961  432963  432964  432965  432967  432968  432969  432971  432973  432977  432979  432983  432985  432989  432995  432997  433003  433007  433009  433013  433019  433025  433027  433033  433037  433039  433045  433049  433055  433063  447090 

28. --Do you know when the Chinese custom_________ from?

   --It's hard to say. But its characteristics__________ the Tang Period.

A. began ; prove         B. started ; show

C. is ; appear          D. dates ; suggest


27. --You went late the stadium yesterday evening, didn't you?

   --Yes, my wife was a little late _________ the supper.

A. to ; with   B. for; with   C. for; for   D. at ; for


26. After you have used the dictionary, please just put it back     it belongs.

A. where    B. to which    C. what    D. that


25. It is usually not quite cold in this area in March, but sometimes temperature  be very low.

A. should    B. can      C. must     D. shall


24. --__________ was it_________ they discovered the entrance to the underground place?

  --Totally by chance.

A. How; that   B. What ; that   C. When; when   D. Where; that


23. The amount of money for the seriously sick child was soon collected.

A. to need   B. needed   C. needing   D. which needed


22. Their tent,__________ light as a feather, remained firm in the storm last night.

A. as if    B. even    C. though   D. if


21. --The news is spreading from mouth to mouth.

   --Yes, it has become__________ talk of__________ town.

A. a ; a   B. the ;不填   C. the ; the   D. a ;不填


20. Why haven't you finished your homework yet? You___________ to have finished it by last Sunday.

A. are supposed          B. were supposed  

C. are supposing         D. were supposing


19. Could you give me a hand __________from the car, please?

A. to carry the shopping       

B. for carrying the shopping

C. and carrying the shopping     

D. carrying the shopping

