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35. - Does Alan like hamburgers?

   - Yes, very much _____ that he eats that almost every day.

A. for       B. as        C. to        D. so


34. Once ______, the clock will a month and keep good time.

A. start      B. started      C. to start      D. starting


33. That was not the first time he ______ us. I think it's high time we _______ strong actions against him.

A. betrayed (背叛), take    B. had betrayed, took 

C. has betrayed, took     D. has betrayed, take


32. _______, where we can stay for a week.

A. Next is another hotel to it         B. Next to it another hotel is

C. Next to it is another hotel          D. it is next to another hotel is


31. - Shall we eat here?

   - No, I don't like to cat at this restaurant, for the waiter gave me _______.

A. a rare cooking steak  B. a steak rarely cooked

C. a steak rarely cooking  D. a rare-cooked steak


30. Be what you axe, give what you can, and the rest of the time

A. you can mind your own business       B. please mind your own business

C. you will mind your own business       D. mind your own business


29. It displeases my parents when Richard and I stay out late at night. My parents don't approve ____.

A. of Richard and me staying out late at night   B. of me and Richard staying out late at night

C. to Richard's and my staying out late at night  D. when Richard and nm stay out !ate at night


28. - Bob must be very wealthy.

   - Yes, he _______ more in one day than I do in a week.

A. cams       B. had earned     C. has been earned   D. has earnings

