0  433629  433637  433643  433647  433653  433655  433659  433665  433667  433673  433679  433683  433685  433689  433695  433697  433703  433707  433709  433713  433715  433719  433721  433723  433724  433725  433727  433728  433729  433731  433733  433737  433739  433743  433745  433749  433755  433757  433763  433767  433769  433773  433779  433785  433787  433793  433797  433799  433805  433809  433815  433823  447090 

40、The murderer was ______ and ______ to death.

A.sentenced; sentenced   B.tried; sentenced  

C.tried; tried   D.Sentenced; tried


39、Dr. Manette, ______ a prisoner in Bastille for many years, had recently been set free.

A.is kept   B.has been kept   C.To have kept   D.having been kept


38、My son is too young to look after himself. I’d rather ______ him here.

A.not to leave   B.not leave   C.don’t leave   D.to not leave


37、Many people spoke ______ praise ______ the little hero.

A.to; of   B.in; to   C.in; of   D.to; to


36、He was walking in the street in the darkness when she heard someone _____ out a _____ scream.

A.let; frightening   B.let; frightened  

C.to let; frightening   D.to let; frightened


35、Robert is said ______ abroad, but don’t know which country he studied in.

A.   B.   C.   D.


34、He is slow, ______ he is a good worker.

A.and otherwise   B.otherwise other   C.but otherwise   D.otherwise but


33、Good traditions should be ______ from one generation to______.

A.passed out; the other   B.passed on; other  

C.passed away; the others   D.passed down; another


32、----How long ______ each other before they ______ married?

  ----For about a year.

A.have they known; get   B.did they know; were going to get  

C.do they know; are going to get   D.had they known; got


31、They have no reason to feel proud ______ they can speak English very well.

A.even though   B.as though   C.as if   D.since that

