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36.She is quite a different girl _____ she was five years ago.

 A. from        B. to      C. than        D. with

 答案解析: 按照英语的表达习惯,要表示甲与乙不同,通常用be different from,如:Mary is different from Jane.玛丽与简不同。其中的介词from在英国英语中也可换成to,在美国英语中也可换成than,但两者均不如用from普遍。许多同学据此将上题的最佳答案确定为A,但错了,最佳答案应是C。一般说来,若两个比较的对象是名词、代词或状语短语等,则用different from[to, than]。但是若提出来供比较的对象是一个没有引导词的句子,则通常只用different than。


35.--- Alice , you feed the bird today , ______?  --- But I fed it yesterday . 

 A. do you  B. will you  C. didn't   D. don't you

答案解析:此题易受you feed the bird today 中的you的影响,认为不是祈使句。但祈使句并非都无主语,为了加强语气,指明向谁提出请求或命令,引起听话者的注意时,可说出主语。所以正确答案是B而不是D.


34. -Did Jack come back early last night? -Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock _______  he arrived home.    A.before     B.When     C.that     D.until

答案解析:此题容易误选, 学生误认为此题在考查: (1) it…before…句型;(2) 强调句;  (3) not…until…句型。其实此题应选B。eight o’clock是时间点,这是when引导的时间状语从句。此句话的汉语意思是:-杰克昨晚回来得很早吗?-是啊,他到家的时候还不到8点


31. --- When shall we meet again ? --- Make it ____ day you like; it's all the same to me .

 A. one   B. any   C. another   D. some

答案解析::...you like和...it's all the same to me 表明说话人不在意哪一天,因此some day是错误的;another day需要前提:已谈论的时间不合适,应另选时间,但对话无此意。One day并不指"任意选择的一天",而any day则有此意,故正确答案为B.


30.He was so angry at all _____ she was doing _____ he walked out.

 A. what, that  B. that, that  C. that, which  D. what, as

 答案解析:此题关键短语be angry at sth.因此all后的she was doing为定语从句,修饰all.第二个空考查so...that...句型, 答案应为B 。


29.After ____ seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

 A. which       B. it         C. what       D. that 

 答案解析: 此题应选C,其余三项都很容易误选。误选A,认为介词后应接关系代词which(但是,若填关系代词,其前没有先行词);B或D也不能选择,因为介词后可接what引导的宾语从句,但通常不能跟that引导的宾语从句或没有引导词的从句。另一方面,引导名词性从句的that也不能充当句子成分(句中的seemed缺主语)。选C,what引导的是宾语从句,用做介词after的宾语,其中的what可理解为some time that。


28..I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with ____.

 A. everything  B. anything  C. something  D. nothing

 答案解析:受否定句影响,迷惑选项为B.此题语境性极强,第一句中"most of what you said"为关键点,"你说的大部分我都同意,但并不是所有的我都同意"。因此,考查的是部分否定,答案为A。


26.Mr. Smith is a painter, _____ I should also like to be.

   A. that    B. which    C. who       D. it 

答案解析:此题很容易误选C,因为许多同学认为指人时总是用who,不能用which,选项A(that)虽然也能指人,但这是非限制性定语从句,也不能用。其实此题应选B(which),因为这里的which其实指的不是具体的某个人,而是指一个人的特征或属性,此时不能用who。 27. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _______ and see him.     A. you will come   B. will you come   C. you come    D. do you come 

答案解析:选A。此句话的汉语意思是:他一回来,我就会告诉他你什么时候会来看他。when引导的是一个宾语从句,不是状语从句。根据题意要用一般将来时。 粗心考生会把when引导的句子误认为是状语从句,从而得出错误的结论:主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来而误选C。 


25.He wrote a lot of novels, none of _____ translated into a foreign language.

 A. them      B. which    C . it    D. what 

   答案解析:同学们容易误选B,理由是none前没有并列连词 and 或 but,但B项是一个陷阱。此题的最佳答案应是A,注意此句不是并列句也不是含有非限制性定语从句的复合句。逗号后面其实是一个独立结构。translated 不是谓语,而是一个非谓语动词(过去分词),所以假若在 translated 前加一个助动词 was,则此题应选(which),构成一个非限制性定语从句。所以做这类题要特别小心,千万不要想当然,更不要受思维定势的影响。 


24. --- What do you think made Mary so upset ?  --- ____ her new bicycle. 

 A. As she lost  B. Lost  C. Losing  D. Because of losing.

 答案解析:此题迷惑项为D,这是犯了Chinglish之错,问句中的 what只能用动名词短语Losing her new bicycle来代替。答案B为过去分词不作主语,答案A不构成主语从句。若将答语补充完整,全句为Losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset.因此缺少主语,正确答案为C.

