0  433683  433691  433697  433701  433707  433709  433713  433719  433721  433727  433733  433737  433739  433743  433749  433751  433757  433761  433763  433767  433769  433773  433775  433777  433778  433779  433781  433782  433783  433785  433787  433791  433793  433797  433799  433803  433809  433811  433817  433821  433823  433827  433833  433839  433841  433847  433851  433853  433859  433863  433869  433877  447090 



A.           B.           C.          D.



 A.木炭在空气中燃烧后,生成黑色的固体    B.硫粉在氧气中燃烧,产生大量白烟

 C.镁条在空气中燃烧,发出耀眼的白光     D.红磷在空气中燃烧,产生蓝紫色火焰




2.石油没有固定的沸点,炼油厂根据石油中各成分沸点不同,将其分离开来,得到汽油、 煤油、柴油等。由此推断石油属于

A.单质       B.混合物   C.纯净物     D.化合物



A.纸张燃烧  B.玻璃破碎  C.冰雪融化  D.酒精挥发


1. --This green coat looks nice on you and it is only 200 Yuan. --OK.______. A. I'll need it  B . I'll take it C. It's much too expensive.  D. I'd like to sell it.  2. He left ______any of his friends _____ him _____. A. with; seeing; off B. without; seeing; off C. without; see; / D. with; see; out 3. ______ is _____ the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words. A. What a dictionary does; help  B. What dictionary does; to help C. How a dictionary does; help  D. All that a dictionary does; helps  4. The landowners in India would not vote to lose their land and wealth, _____ it resulted ______ a fairer society. A. even if; in B. even though; of C. as if; in D. whether; of 5. Towards _____ evening, _____ heavy rain began to fall. A. the; a B. /; a C. /; the D. the; /  6. --Do you have _____ more to get in the market? --No, only some bread and butter. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 7. The teacher as well as her students _____ to visit the Moter Company tomorrow. A. go B. are to go C. is to go D. is about to go.  8. The building is _____. A. twenty-metre-high  B. twenty metre high C. twenty-metres-high  D. twenty metres high  9. The book ____ three Yuan, but it only ____ me two Yuan. A. spends, take B. costs, spend C. costs, cost D. pays, cost  10. They are____ the same size. You can take ______ half of the bread. A. in, either B. with, either C. in, both D. at, none  11. --Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang, please?     -- _______. A. Hold the line. please B. Wait for a minute C. Here it is D. Here he is  12. You can choose _____ book you like among these. A. no matter what B. whatever C. whose D. whichever  13. This kind of paper was as soft and light as silk but ______ expensive. A. much less B. much little    C. many less D. much more than  14. It had rained for several days. The clothes had _____ near the fire to dry. A. hang up B. to hung up C. to be hung up D. to be hanged up  15. The line is engaged. I can't _____ now. A. get on B. get along    C. get through  D. get down  16. We should prevent pollution ________ happily. A. to live  B. for living  C. from living D. living  17. As we all know, ______ knowledge comes from _______ practice. A. the; the B. a; a  C. the ;× D. ×; × 18. Sports build the body _______ reading builds the mind. A. while  B. when  C. as  D. for 19. The mother ________ her son's success in the newspaper. A. learned about B. learned  C. heard  D. learned from 20. "Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow." "__________." A. I don’t' B. I won't  C. I can't  D. I haven't  21. She was given the chance to ______ designing the new bridge. A. take part in B. attend C. go all out D. join 22. Don't read ______ books ________ you can not understand. A. same…as B. the same …like C. such …as D such… like 23. Bob: How long have you lived here?  Sue: _________. A. Since the beginning of the year.  B. In 1990 C. Not long ago        D. Only until the end of the year  24. Do you mind _______ alone at home?   A. Jack's being left B. Jack leaving C. Jack having left D. Jack to be left  25. Mary realized she ______. A. was playing a joke about  B. was making fun C. was being made fun of   D. was made fun  26. Peter: Do you want a ride? Dick: _______ Peter: I asked if you wanted a ride? A. I don't mind.   B. I beg your pardon? C. I'll take a taxi.   D. I don’t' want a ride.  27. _______ the manager? A. Who is in place of   B. Who is in the place of C. Who shall take the place of  D. Who will take place of  28. Mary: What do you think of my new dress? Sue: ________. A. It is on sale   B. You really have a new dress C. It looks very good on you  D. I think it's a birthday present for you 29. Patty: How about going for a walk? Nancy: ________. A. I'll walk with you at eight  B. That's not a bad idea C. Walking is a kind of exercise  D. It will take me minutes to have a walk  30. I found him _________ in an armchair, ___________. A. sit…and read B. seated…reading C. sitting…and read  D. seating…reading 31. If you don't turn up by 8 o'clock, we'll go ______ you. A. without B. except  C. but  D. besides 32. --Has Jane arrived yet?     --No, she_______ an hour ago. A. was supposed to come  B. must have come C. should come   D. ought to have come  33. _______ in time, little Franz was afraid. ________ scolded. A. Not having come…of being  B. Having not come…to be C. Having not come…of being  D. Not having come…to be 34. No one but Rose and Kate _______ a fine red coat. A. put on  B. is wearing C. dresses D. have on  35. The battle lasted for a few hours and at last the enemy ________. A. was defeated B. were beat C. were won D. defeated  36. He is not a man easy ______. A. to deal  B. to deal him C. to deal with D. to deal with him 37. Mr. Li is gaining _______. He has to do some exercises to lose _______.  A. weighty…weigh B. weight…weight C. fat…weigh D. weighty…heavy 38. The clock ________ and we realized it was five o'clock. A. hit  B. beat  C. struck  D. run  39. Reading without stop is a ______ piece of work. A. tire  B. tired  C. tiresome D. troubled  40. He was afraid there was any wild animal around him, looking round from ________. A. time to a time B. time to time C. a time to a time D. times to times  41. It ________ that there is no way out of difficulty. A. looks  B. thinks  C. believes D. seems 42. We were told that it was our _______ to read the text together. A. action  B. turn  C. absence D. sign 43. --Why doesn't he buy you a drink? --I don't know why, but it isn't _______ he had no money. A. even if  B. as if  C. that  D. because 44. What way are you thinking of _______ rid of this kind of pollution? A. to get  B. get  C. getting  D. got 45. The angry boss ________ from the chair and went directly to him. A. lifted  B. raised  C. rose  D. carried   46. The schoolboy regretted _______ after he didn't pass his exam. A. the time on TV   B. to spend so much time on TV C. taking most of his time on TV D. spending so much time on TV  47. Have you found his name ______ in the papers? A. signing B. signed  C. to sign  D. sign   48. Since we have met again after all these years, let's ________ each other from now on. A. keep up with B. keep out of C. keep in touch with D. keep touching  49. The ______ in the mountain village struck most of the visitors. A. scenes  B. space  C. absence  D. flight   50. It is difficult for you to ______ what will happen in space without gravity. A. depend on B. have some idea of C. keep from  D. equip with  51. The two brothers carried a ______ bed into the room. A. double  B. deal  C. slight  D. opposite  52. The accident ______ for a new car. Because the old one was destroyed. A. sent me looking B. made preparations C. kept me from looking D. was fit  53. --How is it that you are late for class again?       --________. A. By bus and then on foot  B. It's quite all right C. Because I missed the bus  D. It's far from school    54. Hearing the sound of shots, the birds flew away ______ all directions. A. at  B. for  C. from  D. in  55. _______ the normal condition, he can read 150 words a minute. A. Below  B. Under  C. With  D. In   56. Tom is good boy and _______ he is honest. He never tells a lie. A. at all  B. in all    C. above all  D. after all   57. Many facts proved that long before Columbus ________ America, Chinese had visited it. A. noticed B. uncovered    C. discovered D. arrived   58. The meeting was _______. Many people were for our plan. A. a success B. success    C. succeed  D. failure  59. --How much is it ______?       --$ 20, I think. A. spent  B. cost    C. worth  D. taken  60. The world is _______ seven continents and four oceans.   A. made up of B. made out of C. made from D. made in  61. --Can I help you? --I'd like to have my package ______, madam. A. be weighed B. to be weighed   C. to weigh  D. weighed  62. I'm so busy that I can't ______ the time for a holiday at present. A. spare  B. share    C. spend  D. take  63. They would _______ for Guangzhou the next morning and so they went to bed early. A. set out B. set about    C. set up  D. set to  64. He insisted on his ______ Dr Turner instead of Mr. Turner. A. called  B. calling    C. being called D. been called 65. John: _________ Jack: In two weeks. John: Are you going to Japan? Jack: No. I'm going to Australia. I went to Japan two years ago. A. How long have you been here?  B. When is your holiday? C. When are you leaving for Australia? D. How long do you plan to stay here? 66. Mary ________ passing the entrance examination. A. succeeded   B. succeeded in C. succeeds in   D. succeeds  67. Tell the child not to drink _______ water. A. boiled  B. boil  C. boiling  D. boils  68. i set _________ tomorrow on my journey to America. A. on  B. up  C. to   D. out 69. The shop owner would _______ his money every day. A. count  B. count for C. count out  D. counting  70. The old lady devoted her lifetime _______ the homeless children. A. to help  B. to helping C. helping  D. for help  71. Tom: Would you like me to water your plants while you're on your holiday? Joe: ________ A. No problem. I was more than glad to do it. B. I appreciate it, but I'm already finished watering them. C. Thanks for offering your help, but my brother's going to do it. D. Certainly watering plants is my favorite pastime.  72. --Don't you think it's going to rain over the weekend? --_______. A. I don't believe B. I don't believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not  73. I knew I should not accept anything from such a person but I found it difficult to turn down his ___. A. plan   B. offer  C. suggestion D. request 74. --Do you mind my taking this seat?     --________. A. Yes, sit down please  B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please  D. No, you can't take it  75. How I envy you _______ your good luck!  A. in  B. of  C. to  D. /   76. This event was rather unusual, ________? A. is it  B. isn't it  C. was it  D. wasn't it  77. We have _______ books in our library. A. plenty of B. great many C. a great deal of D. great number of 78. The police saw the woman _______ a bus and _______ a taxi. A. get off …get on  B. get on … get off C. get off …get into  D. get on … get into  79. Do you mind ______ how you succeed? A. if I go and see B. if I go seeing C. my going and see D. my go to see 80. The boy would have died, _______ on him without delay. A. if the doctor didn't operate B. if the doctor wouldn't operate C. would the doctor not operate D. had the doctor not operated 81. Only when ______ in 1918, ______ happily back to work. A. the war was over … he went B. was the war over … did he go C. the war was over … did he go D. was the war over … he went   82. --Who telephoned just now? --Sorry. I couldn't ______ the voice. A. recognize B. realize C. know  D. understand   83. He had ______ in finding Mr. Green's house. A. many difficulties  B. many difficulty C. much difficulties  D. much difficulty 84. I don't want to _______ money on such books. A. cost  B. pay  C. spend  D. take 85. --Thank you for your help.      --________. A. All right B. That's right C. You're right D. That's OK  86. The man is standing _______ his back _______ the fire. A. with … to B. with … against C. on …for D. at … of 87. I looked everywhere in the house ______ a key that had been lost. A. in searching for  B. in search of C. to search   D. searching of 88. I insisted that he_______ at once. A. leave  B. left  C. leaves  D. leaving  89. When will you _______ me the money that was borrowed? A. pay  B. repay  C. pay for  D. repay for  90. "Do you have any clothes to ______, Tom?" mother asked. A. wash  B. washing C. be washed D. washed  91. You may use the book as you like, _______ you keep it clean. A. unless  B. so long  C. as long  D. so long as  92. He ________ the world record. A. failed to break B. failed to breaking C. failed breaking D. failed broken 93. No ________ what you say, _______exists in three states. A. matter…matters   B. matter…matter C. matters…matter   D. matters…matters   94. I wonder what time lunch is_______ in your school. A. given  B. taken  C. served  D. eaten   95. The people in some countries ________ freedom. A. longed B. long for C. longing  D. longing for  96. I ______ all the bookshops in our town for the book I needed but I couldn't get one. A. hunted B. found  C. looked for  D. searched for  97. A piece of ______ music will make you happy. A. fond  B. pleased C. merry  D. glad 98. --You seem to get lost. Need help? -- _______ A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag? B. Help me find my key, please. C. Yes, give me a hand, please. D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.  99. --I must apologize for _______ ahead of time. --That's all right. A. letting you not know  B. not letting you know. C. letting you know not  D. letting not you know  100. The students are well _______ the exam. They are sure to get good marks. A. prepared for B. ready for  C. prepared  D. preparing  101. Yesterday the president spoke on TV to the _______. A. country B. nation  C. land  D. state  102. The nurse gave ________ the sweets to the children. A. up  B. off  C. out  D. in 103. Remember to______ a stamp on the envelope before you post it. A. put  B. place  C. strike  D. stick  104 John: Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you? Jack: _______ John: I want to buy a notebook. A. How do you want it? B. How much? C. What for?   D. When can you pay me back?  105. After school was over the boys ________ their books and went home. A. put in  B. put aside  C. put away  D. put up 106. _______ went to see the film yesterday. A. Every of them   B. Both they C. Nobody of them   D. Not all of them   107. The higher the birds flew, _______ we could see them. A. less clearly   B. the less clearly C. more clear   D. more clearly   108. With her long beautiful hair gone _______ would be no use for the combs. A. she  B. they  C. there   D. it.  109. Joe: Why don't you tell me a few things about your country? Ken: __________ A. Because I can't tell you many things at a time B. I'm afraid I can't. C. Sure. What in general are you interested in? D. I don’t know anything about that.  110. --You look so worn-out! --i lay ________ all the night. A. woke  B. awake  C. slept  D. asleep 111. When you ______ the book please return it to the library on time. A. get through B. get along    C. look through D. look up 112. Both the man and his horse ________ after the long ride. A. gave out B. worn out  C. tired out D. run out  113. You _______ last night, but you went to the concert. A. must have studied   B. might study C. should have studied  D. would study   114. Teacher: You can't finish the book in less than an hour, I suppose? Student: __________. A. Yes, I'm sure I can   B. No, hardly C. Sorry, I can't   D. I don't think I can   115. Tom: My brother will be surprised when he opens this package I'm sending. Jack: Why are you sending him a package? Tom: __________. A. It's a new radio   B. It's his birthday C. It's very expensive   D. It's too late 116. "Have a nice weekend!" " _________." A. The same to you   B. You do too C. The same as you   D. You have it too  117. Joe: Are you taking some gifts with you when you return to America? Dan: I'm planning to do so. Have you any suggestions? Joe: __________. A. I'm leaving tomorrow   B. I'm taking a plane C. Why don't you buy some bamboo works? D. I posted them to America yesterday 118. ―What happened to the old mail carrier? ―He _______ to a new neighborhood to work. A. has sent  B. has been sent  C. was sent  D. sent 119. Mary: This handbag isn't yours, is it? Joan: __________. A. Yes, it's not mine  B. No, yours is bigger C. Yes, it's my friend's  D. No, mine is a red one  120. "Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine!" "__________. You look well, too." A. Great  B. Thanks  C. Oh, no  D. Not at all 



(1)合成氨反应N2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g),若在恒温、恒压条件下向平衡体系中通入氩气,平衡    移动(填“向左”、“向右”或“不”);使用催化剂     反应的△H(填“增大”、“减小”或“不改变”)。

(2)已知:O2(g) = O2+(g)+e       H1=1175.7 kJ·mol-1

PtF6(g)+e=PtF6(g)           H2=-771.1 kJ·mol-1

O2PtF6(S)=O2+(g)+PtF6(g)        H3=482.2 kJ·mol-1

则反应O2(g)+PtF6(g) = O2+PtF6(s)的H=_____________ kJ·mol-1

(3)在25℃下,向浓度均为0.1 mol·L-1的MgCl2和CuCl2混合溶液中逐滴加入氨水,先生成     沉淀(填化学式),生成该沉淀的离子方程式为     。已知25℃时Ksp[Mg(OH)2]=1.8×10-11KsP[Cu(OH)2]=2.2×10-20

(4)在25℃下,将a mol·L-1的氨水与0.01 mol·L-1的盐酸等体积混合,反应时溶液中c(NH4*)=c(Cl-)。则溶液显    性(填“酸”、“碱”或“中”);用含a的代数式表示NH3·H2O的电离常数Kb=      

答案:(1)向左 不改变


(3)Cu(OH)2  Cu2++2NH3·H2O = Cu(OH)2 +2NH4+

     (4)中    mol·L-1

解析:(1)恒温、恒压条件下向平恒体系中通入氩气,则反应体系体积增大,平衡左移;使用催化剂只是改变了反应的途径,没有改变反应物与生成物的状态,△H不变;(2)利用盖斯定律,△H1+△H2+(-△H3)= -77.6 kJ·mol-1;(3)由于,KsP [Cu(OH)2]=2.2×10-20<Ksp[Mg(OH)2]=1.8×10-11,所以先生成沉淀;2NH3·H2O+Cu2+=Cu(OH)2↓+2 NH4*;根据溶液的电中性原则,c(NH4*)=c(Cl-),则[H+]=[OH-];溶液显中性;Kb= ,c(NH4*)=c(Cl-)=0.005 mol·L-1;[H+]=[OH-]=1×10-7 mol·L-1(因为是25℃下且为中性);[NH3·H2O]=mol·L-1-0.005 mol·L-1,则:Kb=mol·L-1


39.(09年宁夏理综·28)(14分)2SO2(g)+O2(g) 2SO3(g)反应过程的能量变化如图所示。已知1mol SO2(g)氧化为1mol SO3的ΔH=-99kJ·mol-1.请回答下列问题:

(1)图中A、C分别表示      ,E的大小对该反应的反应热有无影响?  。该反应通常用V2O5作催化剂,加V2O5会使图中B点升高还是降低?  ,理由是   

(2)图中△H=  kJ·mol-1


(4)如果反应速率v(SO2)为0.05 mol·L-1·min-1,则v(O2)=    mol·L-1·min-1v(SO3)=    mol·L-1·min-1

(5)已知单质硫的燃烧热为296 KJ·mol-1,计算由S(s)生成3 molSO3(g)的△H   


答案:(1)反应物能量  生成物能量  (2)无  降低  因为催化剂改变了反应的历程使活化能E降低  (3)-198  (4)SO2 +V2O5=SO3+2VO2  4VO2+ O2=2V2O5  (4)0.025  0.05

(5)S(s)+O2(g) =2SO2(g)△H1=-296 KJ·mol-1 , SO2(g)+1/2O2(g) SO3(g) △H2=-99 KJ·mol-1 

3S(s)+9/2O2(g)=3SO3(g) △H=3(△H1+△H2)=-1185 KJ·mol-1 

解析:(1)本小题考查反应物总能量高于生成物总能量为放热反应,可得到A和C所表示的意义,E为活化能与反应热无关,但是用催化剂可以降低活化能;(2)图中表示的是2molSO2的反应,因此△H=-99×2KJ·mol-1;(3)依题意即可写出:SO2 +V2O5=SO3+2VO2  4VO2+ O2=2V2O5;(4)依据速率之比等于化学计量数之比



(1)已知:2NO2(g)===N2O4(g)  △H=-57.20kJ·mol-1。一定温度下,在密闭容器中反应2NO2(g)N2O4(g)达到平衡。其他条件不变时,下列措施能提高NO2转化率的是   (填字母)。

A.减小NO2的浓度                 B.降低温度

C.增加NO2的浓度                 D.升高温度

(2)25℃时,1.00gN2H4(l)与足量N2O4(l)完全反应生成N2(g)和H2O(l),放出19.14kJ的热量。则反应2N2H4(l)+N2O4(l)=3N2(g)+4H2O(l)的△H=    kJ·mol-1

(3)17℃、1.01×105Pa,密闭容器中N2O4和NO2的混合气体达到平衡时,c(NO2)=0.0300 mol·L-1c(N2O4)=0.0120 mol·L-1。计算反应2NO2(g)N2O4(g)的平衡常数K。




(3)根据题意知平衡时:c(N2O4)=0.0120 mol·L-1c(NO2)=0.0300 mol·L-1




n(N2O4)= c(N2O4V=0.0120 mol·L-1×1.00L=0.0120mol

n(NO2)= c(NO2V=0.0300 mol·L-1×1.00L=0.0300mol

n (NO2) 总= n(NO2)+2n(N2O4)=0.0540mol


答:理论上至少需消耗Cu 1.73 g.












请计算15-20min范围内甲酸甲酯的减少量为      mol,甲酸甲酯的平均反应速率为    mol·min-1(不要求写出计算过程)。

(2)依据以上数据,写出该反应的反应速率在不同阶段的变化规律及其原因:      。








(3)由图象与表格可知,在75min时达到平衡,甲酸甲酯的转化率为24%,所以甲酸甲酯转化的物质的量为1.00×24%==0.24mol,结合方程式可计算得平衡时,甲酸甲酯物质的量==0.76mol,水的物质的量1.75mol,甲酸的物质的量==0.25mol 甲醇的物质的量==0.76mol



