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908] The ship _____ was crossing the sea _____ by a strong wind.

[译文] 横渡大海的那艘轮船被飓风损坏了。

  A. / ; destroyed   B. which; destroyed

  C. / ; destroyed   D. which; was destroyed

[答案及简析] D。 定语从句缺主语;主句是被动语态。


907] Did she know then to whom the case ______?

[译文] 那时她知道这包是谁的?

  A. was belonged   B. was belonging

  C. belonged   D. belongs

[答案及简析] C。 belong to短语。


906] My brother _____ while he ____ his bike and hurt himself.

[译文] 我哥骑自行车的时候摔倒了,受了伤。

  A. fell; was riding   B. fell; were riding

  C. had fallen; rode   D. had fallen; was riding

[答案及简析] A。 时态问题,while引导的从句一般是进行时态。


905] ______! There’s a train coming.

[译文] 当心!火车来了。

  A. Look out   B. Look around

  C. Look forward   D. Look on

[答案及简析] A。 look out当心;look around 四周看;look forwar 向前看;look on把…看作。


904] The firefighters _____ the fire before the helicopeter _______.

[译文] 在直升飞机到来之前,消防队员已经将火扑没了。

  A. had put out; arrived   B. were putting out; arrived

  C. put out; arrived   D. had been put out; arrived

[答案及简析] A。 时态问题,救火的动作发生在前。


903] None of us like him because he thinks _____ of others than of himself.

[译文] 没有人喜欢他,因为他只考虑自己很少想到他人。

  A. much   B. much more

  C. much less   D. more

[答案及简析] C。 think less of others很少想到他人。


902] He takes such ____ to do his work that I am deeply moved.

[译文] 他这样努力做事,我很感动。

  A. a pain   B. pains

  C. pain   D. big pain

[答案及简析] B。 take pains to do sth. 费力,不辞劳苦地….


901] -----What did you think of the film? ------Oh, that’s terrible. I’m _______ fond of it.

[译文] --你认为这部电影如何?  --沃,太糟糕了。我一点也不喜欢。

  A. a bit   B. a little

  C. not a bit   D. not a little

[答案及简析] C。 not a bit 一点也不。


0100] Henry can’t attend the party _______ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _______ at Marie’s house tomorrow.

[译文] Henry不可能出席今天在汤姆家举行的舞会,因为她在准备明天在 Marie家舞会上的演讲。

  A. held; being held   B. to be held; to be held

  C. to be held; held  D. being held; to be held

[答案及简析] D此题考查现在分词的被动式和不定式的被动式作定语的情况;前者表示正在进行,后者表示还未发生。



99] t will be quite a long time _______ she is back again, so don’t be too cross with her.

[译文] 要过很久她才会回来,所以不要生她的气。

  A. that   B. since

  C. before   D. until

[答案及简析] C。 型"It+be+time+ before…"。

