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1468] The school _____ a 20-classroom building which was put up last year lies near the town.

[译文] 去年修建的带有20个教室的学校坐落在城的附近。

  A. has   B. where

  C. with   D. in which

[答案及简析] C。 with 表示"带有,具有"。


1467] Cheap coal _____ a lot of smoke.

[译文] 廉价煤释放出大量的烟。

  A. gives up   B. gives in

  C. gives away   D. gives off

[答案及简析] D。 give off 放出蒸汽,烟等。


1466] He _____ a good example _____ everyone _____ getting up early.

[译文] 拿起早床举例,他给大家做出了一个好榜样。

  A. gives; for; at   B. gave; to; with

  C. gets; to; by   D. set; for; in

[答案及简析] C。 set a good example to sb = give a good example to sb 拿什么举例介词用by。


1465] I can hardly imagine Peter _____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

[译文] 我简直不能想象Peter在五天之内横跨大西洋。

  A. sail   B. to sail

  C. sailing   D. to have sailed

[答案及简析] C。 imagine 后面跟动名词做其宾语。


1464] Is this the house _____ Shakespeare was born?

[译文] 这间房屋是不是莎士比亚出生的那间房屋?

  A. at where   B. which

  C. in which   D. at which

[答案及简析] C。 in which = where 引导定语从句。


1463] I joined _____ the march and we _____ peacefully along and then the police came up.

[译文] 我参加了这次游行,我们平静地前进,后来警察就来了。

  A. to; are marching   B. / ; marched

  C. in; marched   D. / ; marching

[答案及简析] C。 join in 参加。


1462] After the war, a new school building was put up _____ there had once been a theatre.

[译文] 战后,在原来是一个剧院的地方修建了一所新学校。

  A. that   B. where

  C. which   D. when

[答案及简析] B。 where引导的地点状语。


1461] ----Will you go to attend her party?   ----- No, _____.

[译文] --你会不会去参加她的聚会呀?  --不会,即使邀请我去,我也不去。

  A. even though invited to   B. even if invited

  C. if not invited   D. unless invited to go

[答案及简析] A。 even though I’m invited to attend her party 的省略形式。


1460] Mr Wang treated his students _____ his good friends.

[译文] 王老师把她的学生看作自己的好朋友。

  A. as   B. for

  C. to   D. in

[答案及简析] A。 treat … As… 把…看作…。


1459] ----- Can I help you?   ----- Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _____.

[译文] --有什么要帮忙的吗?  --去年在这儿买的一台收音机,但它现在坏了。

  A. didn’t work   B. won’t work

  C. can’t work   D. doesn’t work

[答案及简析] D。 用现在时态表示现在的状态。

