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1758] Something is wrong with the window; it _____ not open.

[译文] 窗子一定出问题了,它不可能打开。

  A. shall   B. may

  C. will   D. can

[答案及简析] C。 情态动词用法比较,will表示可能时,常和表示无生命的词连用。


1757] I know you are good at singing. Have you ever _____ a record of your own?

[译文] 我知道你擅长唱歌。你录制过你自己的唱片没有?

  A. done   B. made

  C. heard   D. set

[答案及简析] B。 make a resord录制唱片。


1756] The news was broadcast _____.

[译文] 这条消息正在广播。

  A. with fresh air   B. without air

  C. on the air   D. by air

[答案及简析] C。 on the air 正在广播;by air乘飞机。


1755] Tobacco companies _____ millions of dollars each year for the government.

[译文] 烟草公司每年给政府带来数百万美元的收入。

  A. take away   B. bring in

  C. bring out   D. lose

[答案及简析] B。 动词辨异,bring away带走;bring in带来;bring out带去;lose失去。


1754] -----What are they doing?   ----- They are _____ some music _____ the radio.

[译文] --他们在干什么?   --他们通过收音机在听音乐。

  A. listening to; on   B. listening to; of

  C. hearing; by   D. hearing; about

[答案及简析] A。 听音乐不用动词hear;通过收音机介词用on。


1753] ----- How to do Exercise 3, Miss Gao?   ----- Do it _____.

[译文] --高老师,怎么做练习3?   -- 和以前一样。

  A. same as the before   B. the same as before

  C. same as before   D. as same before

[答案及简析] B。 the same as before = You do it the same as you did it before.


1752] ----- This tape is difficult for me to _____. ----- Why not ask your cousin _____ help?

[译文] --这盘磁带太难跟不上。   --为什么不找你表哥帮忙呢?

  A. pick up; by   B. go; for

  C. understand; with   D. follow; for

[答案及简析] D。 follow 这里表示跟不上,听不懂;ask sb. for help寻求帮助。


1751] This is the market _____ my mother once worked.

[译文] 这就是我妈妈曾经工作的市场。

  A. in which   B. on which

  C. that   D. which

[答案及简析] A。 定语从句中缺地点状语, in the market 在市场里。


1750] _____ the students _____ to keep the books for a month?

[译文] 允许学生借书一个月吗?

  A. Are; allowing   B. Do; allowed

  C. Do; allow   D. Are; allowed

[答案及简析] D。 考查be allowed to do sth.的结构。


1749] BBC English broadcasts programmes _____ China _____ explanation _____ Chinese.

[译文] BBC对中国广播的英语节目是用汉语解释的。

  A. for; with; in   B. to; through; in

  C. for; with; with   D. to; with; with

[答案及简析] A。 对什么广播,习惯上用介词for;用什么语言解释当用介词in。

