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1778] Keep off the _____sticks or you’ll get _____.

[译文] 远离燃着的柴火,不然你会烧着的。

  A. burn; burning   B. burning; burnt

  C. burning; burn   D. burnt; burnt

[答案及简析] B。 第一空现在分词表示进行;第二空过去分词表示被动。


1777] ----- How is the young man ?   ----- ______.

[译文] --这个年亲人身体怎么样?  --好多了。

  A. He’s twenty   B. He’s a doctor

  C. He’s much better   D. He’s David

[答案及简析] C。 how is sb? 是问的是健康状况。


1776] I _____ him to give up smoking, but I failed.

[译文] 我劝他戒掉抽烟,但他不听。

  A. preferred   B. hoped

  C. advised   D. suggested

[答案及简析] C。 只有advise跟不定时作宾补,表示劝说。


1775] _____ writer, she is excellent, _____ teacher she is not very good.

[译文] 作为一个作家,她是优秀的;但作为一名教师,她就不是很好的了。

  A. As; but as   B. As; and as

  C. As a ; but as a   D. As a; and as a

[答案及简析] C。 writer 和teacher都是可数名词,单数要加冠词a。


1774] Today he doesn’t have to _____ a living.

[译文] 现在他不必为谋生而发愁。

  A. worry about to make   B. worry about making

  C. be worry about to make   D. be worry about making

[答案及简析] B。 worry about 是及物的动词短语,后面跟名词或动名词作宾语。


1773] He isn’t to blame because he is _____ a child.

[译文] 他不应该受到责备,他仅仅是一个小孩。

  A. no more than   B. not less than

  C. more than   D. less than

[答案及简析] A。 no more than 仅仅;not less than不少于;more than多于;less than少于。


1772] The reason _____ she left there is _____ she wouldn’t like to get into more trouble.

[译文] 她离开那儿的理由是她不想遇到更多的麻烦。

  A. both C and D   B. for which; because

  C. why; that   D. for which; that

[答案及简析] A。 考查定语从句和表语从句。


1771] All of us got _____ the workers while we were working in the factory.

[译文] 我们在工厂劳动的时候,我们都和工人们相处很好。

  A. on nice for   B. along good with

  C. along well to   D. on well with

[答案及简析] D。 get on well with与…相处很好。


1770] When the teacher came, _____ is reading.

[译文] 当老师进来的时候,我们没有一个在读书。

  A. we all   B. both of us 

  C. all of us   D. none of us

[答案及简析] D。 考查主谓一致问题。只有none of us的谓语可以用单数。


1769] _____ students in our school is more than 2000.

[译文] 我们学校的学生人数超过2000人。

  A. The number of   B. Plenty of

  C. A good many   D. A great number of

[答案及简析] A。 此题的解题思路在于谓语动词是单数。

