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1898] You can’t work out _____ problem in just _____ of ten minutes.

[译文] 你不可能在短短十分钟左右的时间内,解出这样难的一道题来。

  A. a such hard; a course   B. a so hard; the period

  C. such a hard; the couple   D. so hard a; a matter

[答案及简析] D。 a matter of… …左右,表示数量.


1897] The reason _____ he explained is not _____ I expected.

[译文] 他解释的理由不是我期望的理由.

  A. why; that   B. why; what

  C. that; what   D. that; that

[答案及简析] C。 第一空是定语从句,用that引导;第二空是表语从句,用what引导.


1896] The food in the dining room tastes bad, besides ______ .

[译文] 餐厅的东西除了很贵以外,吃起来味道太差。

  A. cheap   B. being cheap

  C. expensive   D. being expensive

[答案及简析] D。 besides 这儿是介词,故该用动名词。


1895] So you have to leave. How nice it _____ if you _____ a bit longer.

[译文] 所以你得离开。如果你再多呆一会该有多好呀!

  A. will be; can stay   B. would be; could stay

  C. would have been; could have stayed   D. be; stay

[答案及简析] B。 与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。


1894] Carry your _____ with you, your money, jeweley, camera and so on.

[译文] 请把你值钱的东西随身携带,比如钱,珠宝,照相机等等。

  A. valuables   B. suitcases

  C. gifts   D. bags

[答案及简析] A。 valuable作名词是可数名词,意思是值钱的东西。


1893] The _____ we saw yesterday come out to the farm once in a while.

[译文] 我们昨天看的鹿子偶尔到农场。

  A. cow   B. dog

  C. deer   D. horse

[答案及简析] C。 从come out来看此句的主语应该是复数,所给答案只有是deer单复数同形。


1892] Mary said that she was _____ able to wash the plates herself.

[译文] 玛丽说她完全可以自己洗盘子。

  A. too   B. quite

  C. much   D. very

[答案及简析] B。 able 以及able结尾的形容词一般用quite修饰。


1891] The new research team was led by the _____ engineer.

[译文] 新的研究小组是由一位主任工程师领导。

  A. main   B. major

  C. chief   D. primary

[答案及简析] C。 main 主要的最重要的;major 较大的,较重要的;chief 主要的;primary第一的,基本的。


1890] In spite of your living so far away, we both hope very much _____.

[译文] 尽管你住得很远,我们都希望你能来.

  A. your coming   B. you to come

  C. that you would come   D. that you will come

[答案及简析] D。 hope to do sth. / that 从句.


1889] ----- May I _____ you a cigarette?   ----- That’s very kind of you, but I can’t smok

[译文] ――我可以给你一支烟吗?   __谢谢,我不抽烟.

  A. offer   B. persuade

  C. show   D. send

[答案及简析] A。 offer sb. sth. 给某人提供….

