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2008] I had _____ her not toskate on thin ice, but she wouldn’t listen to me.

[译文] 我早就警告过她不要在薄冰上滑冰,但她不会听我的话。

  A. warned   B. suggested

  C. persuaded   D. made

[答案及简析] A。 warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事。


2007] What _____ you to believe I was ill?

[译文] 是什么使你相信我生病了?

  A. led   B. made

  C. had   D. let

[答案及简析] A。 make, have, let后面都是跟不带to的不定式作宾补,只有lead后面带不定式符号。


2006] They were beginning _____ they had made a serious mistake.

[译文] 他们开始意识到他们犯了一个严重的错误。

  A. realizing   B. to realize

  C. realized   D. that they eralized

[答案及简析] B。 begin后面既可以跟不定式又可以跟动名词,但如果是realize, feel, understand等表示感觉,意识的词只能用不定式。


2005] He _____ succeeding by working hard.

[译文] 他相信努力工作就能成功。

  A. believes   B. believes on

  C. believes in   D. thought it possible to

[答案及简析] C。 believe in doing sth. 相信做…


2004] I would love _____ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

[译文] 我原打算去参加聚会,但我得加班完成一个报告。

  A. to go   B. to have gone

  C. going   D. having gone

[答案及简析] B。 would love to do sth.想要…如果表示原打算做什么而没有做成的话,不定式一般用完成时态表示。


2003] _____ in 1636, Havard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

[译文] 始建于1636年,哈佛大学是美国最著名的大学之一。

  A. Being founded   B. It was founded

  C. founded   D. Founding

[答案及简析] C。 用过去分词表示被动的,过去的。


2002] Don’t be joking; it’s up to you _____ your business.

[译文] 不要开玩笑了,该由你自己决定干什么事。

  A. setting out   B. to take up

  C. to go on   D. getting down

[答案及简析] B。 It’s up to sb. to do sth.句型。take up 从事;go on继续。


2001] We all took _____ for granted that he would agree with us.

[译文] 我们都想当然地认为他同意我们的意见呢。

  A. it   B. him

  C. that   D. what

[答案及简析] A。 take sth. for granted结构,如果宾语是一个从句的话,就得用形式宾语it。


1900] -----I’m afraid we can’t have him _____ the material in this way. -----We should have him ____ at once. I think.

[译文] --我担心我们不能制止他这样浪费材料。  ――我认为,我们应该让他立即受到培训。

  A. waste; training   B. wasting; trained

  C. wasted; train   D. waste; to train

[答案及简析] B can’t/ won’t have sb. doing sth. 制止,拒绝。



1899] Eating better, and eating less, could be the _____ not only to avoiding cancer but to living langer.

[译文] 吃好,吃少,可能不只是避免癌症的关键,而且是长寿的关键。

  A. key   B. foundation

  C. rule   D. importance

[答案及简析] A。 key to …的关键,前面多加冠词the。

