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2068] I suppose that you ar one of the best students in your grade, _____?

[译文] 我认为你是你们年纪最好的学生之一,是吧?

  A. don’t you   B. do I

  C. aren’t you   D. are you

[答案及简析] C。 主句中有6123结构中的动词,而且主语是一人称,反意疑问句,要和从句一致。


2067] I know it’s not important, but I can’t help _____ about it.

[译文] 我知道它不重要,但我忍不住要想到它。

  A. to think   B. and think

  C. thinking   D. being thought

[答案及简析] C。 can’t help doing sth. 禁不住,忍不住。


2066] -----You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. -----Well, now I regret ____that.

[译文] --你真勇敢,在会议上提出反对意见。 --唉,现在我还后悔呢。

  A. to do   B. to be doing

  C. to have done   D. having done

[答案及简析] D。 gret doing sth.后悔作了什么。


2065] It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, _____ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

[译文] 今年对于这些足球迷来说,是一个令人激动的时刻,他们的球队第一次获得了世界杯。

  A. that   B. while

  C. which   D. when

[答案及简析] D。 非限制性的定语从句,修饰the moment。


2064] Washingtong, a state in the United States, was named _____ one of the greatest american president.

[译文] 华盛顿,美国的一个州,是为了纪念一位伟大的美国总统而命名的。

  A. in honor of   B. instead of

  C. in favour of   D. by means of

[答案及简析] A。 in honor of 为了纪念…。


2063] We didn’t plan to meet.We met _____ in the street.

[译文] 我们没打算见面。我们在街上碰巧遇上了。

  A. by the way   B. by chance

  C. on purpose   D. in surprise

[答案及简析] B。 by chance 碰巧。


2062] He enjoyed a cup of coffee sometimes, but _____ he drinks tea.

[译文] 他有时喝咖啡,但大多数情况下喝茶。

  A. most   B. almost

  C. mostly   D. nearly

[答案及简析] C。 mostly主要地,大多数情况下。


2061] Mrs Black went back to _____ place _____ she had found the ring.

[译文] Mrs Black回到她原先找戒子的那个地方。

  A. the same; where   B. the same ; as

  C. the same; that   D. as the same; as

[答案及简析] A。 where引导的定语从句在从句中充当状语。


2060] -----_____ will we have to go?   -----Just one mile. Keep walking!

[译文] --我们得还要走多远?    --继续走,只有一英里!

  A. How long   B. How far

  C. How many longer   D. How much farther

[答案及简析] D。 情景对话。解题的思路在keep walking,表明问的应该是“还要走多远?”


2059] Tie Zhu _____ taller than any other student in his class.

[译文] 铁柱应该比他班上其他同学都高一些。

  A. is supposed to be   B. was thinking that

  C. is going to be   D. thinks to be

[答案及简析] A。 is supposed to 应该;is going to打算;think后不能跟不定式。

