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863] Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _____ his loss.

[译文] Nick再找其他工作,因为他觉得他做的工作没有一件使他的老板满意。

  A. serves   B. satisfies

  C. promises   D. supports

[答案及简析] B。 动词用法辨异。


862] After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child.

[译文] 在巴黎住了将近五十年后他回到了他生长的小城。

  A. which   B. where

  C. that   D. when

[答案及简析] B。 定语从句,the small town在从句中充当地点状语。


861] His invitation _____ useless by the scientists of that time.

[译文] 他的发明在那时是被认为是无价值的。

  A. considered being   B. was considered being

  C. considered to be   D. was considered to be

[答案及简析] D。 onsider sth. to be 结构。


860] Don’t forget the day _____ you were received into the Youth League.

[译文] 不要忘了你入团的那一天。

  A. when   B. that

  C. at which   D. where

[答案及简析] A。 定语从句,the day在从句中充当时间状语。


859] A new school was _____ in the village last year.

[译文] 一所新的学校去年在村里建立起来了。

  A. held up   B. set up

  C. sent up   D. brought up

[答案及简析] B。 hold up句气;set up建立;send up发射;bring up抚育。


858] Lincoln promised to _____ slavery _____ the end.

[译文] 林肯许诺他要为反对奴隶制而战斗直到最后。

  A. fight for; to   B. fight against; of

  C. fight for; of   D. fight against; to

[答案及简析] D。 fight against 为反对…而战;to the end直到最后。


857] Don’t all speak at once! _____, please.

[译文] 不要同时都讲话!请一个一个地说。

  A. Each at one time   B. one by one time

  C. one for each time   D. One at a time

[答案及简析] D。 one at a time 一次一个。


856] _____ danger man is often much eiser than usual.

[译文] 在危险的时刻,人总是比平时聪明些。

  A. In a time of   B. In the time of

  C. in the times of   D. In time of

[答案及简析] D。 in time of 在…时刻。


855] The little girl was frightened _____ the sight of mouse.

[译文] 小女孩由于看到了老鼠而吓坏了。

  A. with   B. at

  C. in   D. on

[答案及简析] B。 be frightened at 由于…而吓坏了。


854] I waited for the car from the factory to ______ me.

[译文] 我等厂里的车接我。

  A. call on   B. call for

  C. call out   D. call up

[答案及简析] B。 call on 拜访某人;call for 接某人同往某地;call out to sb.朝某人大声喊叫;call up给…打电话。

