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893] You should follow doctor’s suggestion when ____ the medicine.

[译文] 在你吃药的时候,应该按照医生的话去做。

  A. to take   B. taking

  C. take   D. you will take

[答案及简析] B。 现在分词短语做状语,等于when you are taking the medicine。


892] Sorry I’m late. I _____ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.

[译文] 对不起我来晚了。我也许关掉闹钟后又睡着了。

  A. might   B. should

  C. can   D. will

[答案及简析] A。 虚拟语气,表示推测。


891] On the street I saw a studen _____ I thought was English.

[译文] 在街上去我看到了一个学生,我认为他是英国人。

  A. whom   B. who

  C. the one   D. he

[答案及简析] B。 I thought 是插入语,定语从句中差主语。


890] His diet can not be considered as healthy because it contains a lot of fat _____ meat, cakes and cream.

[译文] 他的食品不是健康食品,因为含有大量的肉,蛋糕,奶酪等脂肪。

  A. in forms of   B. in the form of

  C. in form of   D. by

[答案及简析] B。 in the form of固定搭配"以…的形式"。


889] -----It is said that the girl ____ some weight hast week. -----It’s not necessary though she is a bit fat.

[译文] --据说这姑娘上周已减肥了。 --尽管有点胖,但也没有必要减肥。

  A. lost   B. put on

  C. broke   D. made

[答案及简析] A。 lose one’s weight 减肥。


888] Money is often _____ to be the most important thing in the west.

[译文] 在西方金钱被认为是最重要的东西。

  A. considered   B. regarded

  C. thinking   D. suggested

[答案及简析] A。 consider … to be sth.结构。


887] We have ____ such tall building in our city.

[译文] 我们市里有四十座这样的建筑。

  A. two scores of   B. two dozen of

  C. two score of   D. two dozens of

[答案及简析] C。 量词前有数词修饰,不能用复数形式;score常和of连用。


886] How about the two of us _____ a walk down the garden?

[译文] 我们两到花园散步如何?

  A. to take   B. take

  C. taking   D. to be taking

[答案及简析] C。 how about 后面接动名词。


885] -----What _____ his illness? ----- I don’t know. Perhaps he ate some green peaches.

[译文] --是什么引起他的病的?  --我不知道。也许是吃了生桃。

  A. let   B. made

  C. suffered   D. caused

[答案及简析] D。 指引起疾病的原因,应用cause。


884] Look! How many mistakes you have made! You must be careful ______.

[译文] 你看!你犯了多少错误!你应该从今以后要小心。

  A. in future   B. in a future

  C. in the future   D. for future

[答案及简析] A。 in future 从今以后;in the future在将来。

