0  435572  435580  435586  435590  435596  435598  435602  435608  435610  435616  435622  435626  435628  435632  435638  435640  435646  435650  435652  435656  435658  435662  435664  435666  435667  435668  435670  435671  435672  435674  435676  435680  435682  435686  435688  435692  435698  435700  435706  435710  435712  435716  435722  435728  435730  435736  435740  435742  435748  435752  435758  435766  447090 

2. They didn’t tell me the location. They didn’t show me the map, either.

They ___________ told me the location ________ showed me the map.


1. The book had a great effect on his life. The book I _____________ his life greatly.


take over  take back  take away  take off  take out  take down
take up  take charge of  take control of    take action  take in

1) He opened the drawer and ______________ a notebook. 

2) He expects to ______________ the business when his father retires.  

3) Can you _________________what I am saying?  

4) Mr. Li __________________gardening after he retired.  

5) _________________ the notes while listening to the teacher. 

6) Who has___________________ my book?

7) Who will ____________________ the class when the head-teacher is away? 

8) The Chinese government _____________________to protect the cultural heritage.


9.cultural adj. →__________(n.)        10. explode vi. _______(n.) ________(adj.)


7. faithfully adv. _____(adj.) →______(n.)  8. condition n.→__________(adj.)


5. unite v. →__________(adj.)        6. concerned adj.______(n./v.______ (prep.)


3. commercial adj.→__________(n.)     4. heat n.→_________(v.) →_________(adj.)


1. major adj. →__________(n.)        2. wealthy adj.→__________(n.)


25.Fifteen years later the Qin Dynasty was ______________ (推翻).


24.It was a different story for China with the _____________ (形成) of the Sui Dynasty in AD 581, which once again r___________ China in AD 589.

