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第二节 (10分)

6. Who probably is the man?

A. A doctor.       B. A reporter     C. A policeman.

7. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Call the hospital. B. Stay where she is. C. Report the accident.

8. What will the woman do next?

A. Fill out the form. B. Make a radio call. C. Apply for a passport.

9. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A party.     B. weekend plans.     C. An art gallery.

10. What does Tina want to do after the dinner?

A. Dance     B. Go cycling.       C. See a movie.

11. When does the woman want to see new paintings?

A. On Saturday night.

B. On Sunday afternoon.

C. On Sunday evening.

12. What can we learn from the talk?

A. Some people think left-handers are strange, sick or dangerous.

B. There are 25 million left-handers in the world.

C. Most of the left-handers live in the US.

13. At what age do people begin to develop hand preference?

A. 2        B. 3           C. 6

14. What jobs are the left-handers particularly good at?

A. Nursing jobs. B. Technical jobs. C. Jobs requiring a good sense of space.

15. What is the probable purpose of forming Left-handers International?

A. To start the study of hand preference.

B. To tell the society that they are normal.

C. To study job preference.


第一节 (5分)

1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Jobs         B. Plans       C. Resumes.

2. What is the man’s attitude towards Field?

A. He doesn’t like her way of life.

B. He can’t understand her.

C. He admires her.

3. Which does the woman think is nicer?

A. The bus        B. The train      C. The car

4. At what time does the woman suggest they leave?

A. 12:00 in the day.    B. 12:30 p.m.      C. 1:00 p.m.

5. What will the man probably do next?

A. Go to send some letters.

B. Go on with the questions.

C. Prepare a speech.


80、干燥(zào)  浮躁(zào)  洗澡(zǎo)  做操(cāo)  水藻(zǎo)  害臊(sào)


79、彩霞(xiá)  假(jìao)条  目不暇(xiá)接  瑕(xiá)不掩瑜  名闻遐(xiá)迩


78、漂(piāo)泊  漂(pìao)亮  剽(piāo)窃  飘(piāo)摇  缥(piāo)缈  瞟(piǎo)一眼  黄骠(biāo)马  瓢(piáo)泼大雨  镖(biāo)局


77、秸(jie)秆  拮(jié)据  屡遭诘(jié)难  仓颉(jié)


76、辍(chuò)学  啜(chuò)泣  缀(zhuì)文成篇  拾掇(duo) 


75、践(jiàn)踏  信笺(jiān)  把盏(zhǎn)言欢  饯(jiàn)别  浅浅(qiǎn)流水  客栈(zhàn)低贱(jiàn)  溅(jiàn)落


74、潼(tóng)关  瞳(tóng)孔  灯影幢幢(chuáng)一幢(zhuàng)楼  憧(chōng)憬


73、酿(niàng)酒  踉(liàng)跄  粮(liáng)饷  秋月朗朗(lǎng)  锒(láng)铛入狱  稂(láng)莠不齐  螳螂(láng)  阆(láng)苑

