0  436327  436335  436341  436345  436351  436353  436357  436363  436365  436371  436377  436381  436383  436387  436393  436395  436401  436405  436407  436411  436413  436417  436419  436421  436422  436423  436425  436426  436427  436429  436431  436435  436437  436441  436443  436447  436453  436455  436461  436465  436467  436471  436477  436483  436485  436491  436495  436497  436503  436507  436513  436521  447090 

10.When the rich found the poor girl unable to pay the whole for her schooling, he offered to ______ it with her.

    A.share in                           B.cost

    C.spend                            D.pay for


9._________ your mother, I found her healthy and she had me tell you to work hard.

    A.Delighted to see                   B.Delighting to see

    C.Delighted to have seen             D.Delighting to have seen


8.Naturally, after I tell my brother what to do, he ______ go and do the opposite.

    A.may            B.will             C.can            D.should


7.After _____ practice, I have finally taken my Santana _______.

    A.many a; under control              B.a lot of; into control

    C.plenty of; under control            D.a great many; out of control


6.Thousands of athletes______ in many countries will compete _______ medals in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

    A.involved; in                        B.involving; by

    C.to involve; against                                   D.involved; for


5.Would you like to ______ us? We are going to _____ the school’s 20th anniversary celebration.

    A.join in; take part in                                   B.join in; join

    C.take part in; join                   D.join; take part in


4.A fence _____ our garden ______ the playing field.

    A.divides; into                       B.separates; into

    C.separates; from                    D.divides; from


3.You must stand it, and see it through, _________ it costs.

    A.no matter what                    B.no matter how

    C.what                             D.which


2.-Tom, you are caught late again.

    -Oh, _________.

    A.not at all        B.just my luck      C.never mind     D.that’s all right


1.He was a good swimmer, so he _______ swim to the bank when the boat turned over.

    A.must           B.was able to     C.could          D.might

