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15.The question     we should call in a specialist now was raised by the family doctor.

     A.which         B.who          C.whether        D.when


14.Tom     have come in person.He came such a long way just to tell us me result.

    A.mustn’t        B.needn’t        C.wouldn’t       D.couldn’t


13.We’d say that never before     so moving a film as After Shock.

    A.we had seen     B.had we seen     C.we have seen    D.have we seen


12.As a young man,he didn’t know that he     famous later on.

     A.was to become  B.will become      C.had become     D.became


11.When copying the letter, pay special attention not to    any words.

    A.leave alone      B.leave out       C.1eave behind     D.1eave aside


10.I should consider myself failing my duty if I didn’t take     action at that moment.

    A.sudden        B.general        C.personal        D.immediate


9.Rising from     to a position of power, Mr.King is still working very hard.

     A.nothing        B.everything      C.something       D.anything


8.In     week or so.I’11 be among unemployed,I’m afraid.

    A.小填;a       B.a;不填       C.a;the         D.me:不填


7.The World Expo 2010 is being held at a time     the world is looking for a new kind of balance between nature and cities.

    A.when          B.where         C.which         D.that


6.Taobao.com has begun selling tickets online for international flights,     to cut the market share of Ctrip.corn and other competitors.

     A.to aim         B.having aimed     C.aiming         D.being aimed

