0  442594  442602  442608  442612  442618  442620  442624  442630  442632  442638  442644  442648  442650  442654  442660  442662  442668  442672  442674  442678  442680  442684  442686  442688  442689  442690  442692  442693  442694  442696  442698  442702  442704  442708  442710  442714  442720  442722  442728  442732  442734  442738  442744  442750  442752  442758  442762  442764  442770  442774  442780  442788  447090 

3. It is wise t0 have some money ____ for old


   A. put away   B. kept up

   C. given away   D. laid up

   [解析]选A  本题考查四个短语动词的词义区别。

put away意为“储蓄”。


2. All the leading newspapers ____ the trade talks

   between China and the United states.

   A. reported   B. printed

   C. announced   D. published

   [解析]选A B、C、D三项用在主动语态中,主语一



1. The hero's story ____ differently in the

   newspapers. (2005 全国I)

   A. was reported   B. was reporting

   C. reports   D. reported

   [解析]选A  本题考查被动态的用法。那个英雄的



9. -- I'll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

  -- You ____ her last week. (2004 福建)

    A. ought to tell      B. would have told

    C. must tell        D. should have told



8. -- You haven't said a word about my new coat, Bren-

    da. Do you like it?

  -- I'm sorry I ____ anything about it sooner. I

    certainly think it's pretty on you. (NMET 2002)

    A. wasn't saying     B. don't say

    C. won't say       D. didn't say


7.-- Nancy is not coming tonight.

  -- But she ____! (NMET 1998)

    A. promises       B. promised

    C. will promise      D. had promised


6. -- I would never come to this restaurant again. The

    food is terrible!

   -- ____.

    A. Nor am I       B. Neither would I

    C. Same with me     D. So do I


5. -- ____ I didn't hear you clearly. It's too noisy


  --I was saying that the party was great. (2004 辽宁)

    A. Repeat.        B. Once again.

    C. Sorry?         D. So what?


4. -- Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes be-

    fore I decide?

  -- Of course. ____, sir. (2004 全国卷II)

    A. Make yourself     B. Enjoy yourself

    C. It doesn't matter    D. Take your time


3. -- Now, where is my purse?

   --  ____! We'll be late for the picnic. (2004 湖南)

    A. Take your time    B. Don't worry

    C. Come on        D. Take it easy

