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1. 1949年元旦,蒋介石发出“求和”声明,表示:“只要共党一有和平的诚意,能作确切的表示,政府必开诚相见,愿与商讨停止战事,恢复和平的具体方法。” 针对蒋介石的“求和”声明,毛泽东在为新华社写的一九四九年新年献词中表明了中共的观点。根据所学知识判断,该新年献词的标题应是 A.“将革命进行到底”          B. “伟大的开局之年” C.“中国人民站起来了”         D.“停止内战,建立联合政府”



1. His grandpa will give him some comic books on his birthday.

2. I think Stephen’s favorite place is the balcony.

3. Peter is driving from Zhenjiang to Nanjing.

4. Look. There are many books on the bookcase.


5. Man: My son’s birthday is coming, I want to buy a basketball for him.

  Woman: That’s a good idea.

  Question: Where will the man go?

6. Man: How beautiful your scarf is! Is it made of cotton?

 Woman: No, it isn’t. It is made of silk.

  Question: What’s the woman’s scarf made of?

7. Man: Why are you crying, Jane?

  Jane: I’m lost. I can’t find my way home.

  Question: What’s wrong with Jane?

8. Boy: Excuse me. Could you tell me the time, please?

  Girl: It’s a quarter to one. Let’s go to have lunch.

  Question: What time is it?

9. Clerk: The dress is 100 yuan. But it’s on sale for 30% off. It’s only 70 yuan now, madam.

  Woman: It’s cheap. I’ll take it.

  Question: How much is the dress now?

10. Woman: I’d like something to eat. What about you?

  Man: Just two hamburgers and a cup of apple juice.

  Question: What would the man like to drink?



W: What’s your favourite sport , Mike ?

M: I like playing football best .

W: Do you like playing other games ?

M: I like volleyball , too. But I don’t like playing tennis .

W: How about playing basketball with my friends this afternoon ?

M: Great !


W: Is Wednesday a good day for you, Tim?

M: Sure, it is!

W: Why?

M: We have two art classes. I love art.

W: When do they begin?

M: The first class is at half past ten and the second one begins at a quarter to two.

W: What did you do in art?

M: I painted a picture of my favorite person.

W: Who’s that?

M: You, Mum, of course.

W: Wow! Beautiful! Thanks!


There is a big shop near Kitty’s home. The shop is open 24 hours a day. So people can go there any time. It has many things. There are a lot of people in the shop every day because the shopkeepers are friendly and things there are good.

One Saturday afternoon, Kitty and her mother go shopping there. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper and Kitty wants a pair of trainers and some comic books. At last, her mother buys half a kilo of meat, one kilo of fish and two kilos of eggs. Kitty also buys what she wants. They are very happy.


[2008年,震惊全世界的5·12 汶川大地震让很多人失去亲人,无家可归,无数人的命运因这一天而改变。然而,从废墟上重新站立起来的人们,并没有失去生存的信念,他们直面困难,重建他们的家园。请你为他们设计一个理想的家园。]







你可能会用到的单词:firm 坚固的      material 材料

  Project Hope 希望工程  stationery  文具



根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将答案写在答题卷对应题号后面。

Hello, Li Hua! My name is Peter.

I’d like to introduce myself first. I’m a boy. I come from London. It is the  c  76    of England. I live with my family in a flat o  77   a busy street. There are eight people in my family. They’re my grandparents, my parents, my two sisters, my younger brother and I. My uncle lives two floors a   78   us.

Our house is very l  79   . It has at l  80    10 rooms. I s  81   a bedroom with my younger brother. We often listen to music in our bedroom.

My f  82   place is the balcony. I can play games, read comics and chat with friends there. When my mother c  83     meals for us in the kitchen, I often go there to help her. There is a nice s  84   room. After dinner, we like to watch TV in the sitting room. It is very beautiful and quiet here. Our neighbours are f  85  to us and we are happy to live here. Please write soon. 

Best wishes

Yours, Peter .


75. He held a party without _______________(邀请)us.


74. My sister looks very happy today. It’s her __________(二十)birthday.


73. Look at our __________(邻居). They’re playing with their son.


72. Please be ________(安静的), I’m trying to read.


71. Nanjing is a very __________(现代化的)city in Jiangsu.

