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6.下列句子没有语病的一项是(  )






5.下列各句排序正确的一项是(   )

  ⑴ 当然,极光也还有许许多多没有解开的迷。

  ⑵ 极光不仅是科学研究的重要课题,它还直接影响到无线电通讯、长电缆


  ⑶ 极光不仅是个光学现象,而且是无线电现象,可以用雷达进行探测研究,它还会辐射出某些无线电波。

  ⑷ 极光还可以影响到气候,影响生物学过程。

  ⑸ 有人还说,极光能发出各种各样的声音。

A.④③⑤①②       B.⑤④①②③       

C.③⑤②④①       D.③⑤①④②


4.下列句中加横线的成语使用没有弄错对象的一项是(   )

A.人们被陈道明在电视剧《康熙王朝》中  绘声绘色 的表演深深吸引了。

B.春节期间,王府井大街上到处是游玩购物的人,直到天黑还 不绝如缕,热闹极了。


D.为了观看灯火晚会,人们纷纷走出家门,家属院已经是 万人空巷


3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是(   )




A.伤害   运用   浮浅        B.损害  运用   肤浅  

C.伤害   应用   肤浅        D.损害  应用   浮浅


2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是 (  )

A.雕琢   娇揉造作   禁锢    陈词烂调    

B.辐射   星殒如雨   枯燥   仓慌失措

C.丰谀   锱铢必较   遗憾   融汇贯通    

D.遁词   礼尚往来   沧桑   精美绝伦


1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一组是(  )

A.持(jīn)   然而止(jiá)   言(zhēn)  鞭入里(bì)            

  B.婀(nuó)  命运多(cuǎn)  血(shǔn)  文采然(fěi)

C.亲(ní)   前后恭(jù)   罗(qǐ)   良不齐(yǒu)

D.噪(guō)  鳞次比(zhì)   期(qiān)  千补百(nà)


第三节 书面表达(满分30分)

Suppose you want to buy a MP3, but you do not have enough money. In 100 words make a plan to solve this financial(经济的) problem. your writing should include:

1.   how much money you need;

2.   from where to get money;


 第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

 Dear classmates,

 Now I ’d like to tell you why I learn English. I often            1.

 read English aloud and try to learn something important           2.

 by heart, it helps me remember it easily and forms             3.

 good habit of thinking in English. I listen a lot and              4.

 talk with others in English. In this way, I was improved           5.

 my spoken English. I keep a diary in English every day but          6.

 my writing English is becoming better and better. I also try          7.

 my best to master the necessary grammar. With this means,         8.

 I can express myself in English correct. That’s the way I          9.

had been learning English. I hope it will be useful to you.        10.

That’s all. Thank you.


第二节   单词拼写(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

 1.I found it hard to keep my b_______ on the icy path and so I fell over.

 2.Yesterday evening we _____(出席,参加) the concert, which was really a success.

 3.I haven’t seen you for so many years that I can hardly r _________you.

 4.He was so angry that he could hardly c______ himself.

 5.It is ________(慷慨的) of you to pay for our travel.

 6.New Zealand is s________ by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east.

 7.What you learn from practice has much e_____ on your character training.

 8.A      (某个,某些)Mr. Brown called to see you.

 9.The new shop across the road has taken away some of my best ________(顾客).

 10.The whole class is d_______ into four groups.

