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   ①.有些词的比较级和最高级有两种不同形式, 意义上也有所不同, 如: older / oldest(比较老/最老的), elder / eldest (年龄比较大的/最大的); farther / farthest用于本义, 表示“比较远的/最远的”, 而further / furthest常用于引申意义, 表示“更进一步的,更深一层的/最深层的”

     a. He is the oldest comrade in our office.

     b. He is the eldest son in the family.

     c. He went abroad for further studies.

   ②.表示“比…多(大)几倍”时, 用“倍数+ as…as” 结构或“倍数+比较级+than…”表示

     a. This book costs twice as much as that one.

     b. The university is three times as big as it was in 1980. =The university is three times bigger than it was in 1980.

   ③.可用much, far, still, even等修饰比较级, 表示 “更…”, “…得多”之意

     a. Her handwriting is much better than mine.

     b. This street is far wider and longer than any other street in Beijing.

   ④.可用“名词词组或数词词组+比较级”的结构来表示“比…相差多少”, 如: a head taller, ten minutes later, two meters longer, a few steps further

   ⑤.比较级+ and +比较级表示“越来越…”的意思

     a. Summer is coming. It is getting hotter and hotter.

   ⑥. “the +比较级+主语+谓语+其他,  the +比较级+主语+谓语+其他” 表示 “越… , 就越…”

     a. The harder you study, the more knowledge you will get.

     b. The more you work for other people, the happier you will feel.

   ⑦.more…than…有时表示“与其说…, 倒不如说…”

     a.. He is more diligent than wise.与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋

     b. He is more a friend than a teacher.与其说他是一位老师,不如说更像一位朋友

   ⑧.“no+比较级+than…”和“not +比较级+than…”所表示的意思不相同, 前者表示“和…一样不…”(即两者都不…), 后者表示“不比…更… ”(仅否定前者, 即表示前者不如后者)

     a. His English is no better than mine. (两人的英语都不好)

     b. His English is not better than mine. 他的英语不如我的英语好(仅否定 “他的英语”)

     c. He is no taller than I.他和我一样不高./ He is not taller than I.他不如我高.

   ⑨.有时用比较级表示最高级的意思, 如:

     a. It can’t be safer.再安全不过了.

     b. She can’t be more beautiful. 她简直美极了

     c. He works harder than the other students in his class.

     d. He works harder than any other student in his class.

   ⑩. “the +序数词+最高级” 表示“第几”之意

     a. China is the third largest country in the world.

     b. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.


3.最高级的用法: 三方或三方以上进行比较时, 用最高级, 最高级前多用the, 基本形式为: the + adj / adv的最高级 + (名词) + 表示范围的短语或从句

      a. He is the eldest among the sisters.

      b. Shanghai is the biggest centre of industry in China.

      c. Beijing is one of the most beautiful cities in China.


2.比较级的用法: 两方进行比较时, 多用than

      a. It is colder today than it was yesterday.

      b. His handwriting is more beautiful than yours.

      c. He did his homework more carefully than you did yours.




    a.在单音节形容词后及少数以-er, -ow, -ble, -ple结尾的双音节形容词和少数副词原级后, 加-er, -est或­-r, -st, 如: strong, young, clever, able, simple, narrow, hard, fast, slow等

    b.在以­-e结尾的单音节形容词和少数副词原级后, 加-r, -st, 如: brave, wide等

    c.形容词以发短元音的元音字母+辅音字母结尾时, 双写辅音字母, 再加-er, -est,如: big, hot, thin等

    d.辅音字母+y结尾的单音节及双音节形容词和少数副词(由形容词+ly构成的副词除外), 要将y变为i, 再加-er, -est, 如: easy, happy, early等

    e.在双音节和多音节形容词和大多数副词原级前可以加more, most表示比较级和最高级, 如: useful, childish, important, happily, clearly, quickly等

    f.有少数单音节形容词加more / most构成比较级和最高级, 如: fond, tired, pleased, glad, often, fit等

    g.下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级可用两种方法构成: cruel, strict, friendly, often, fit

②.不规则变化的形容词如: good / well, many / much, bad / badly, little, far



   ①.表示被比较双方在某一方面相等或相同时, 用as + adj / adv + as结构, 表示“…和…一样”

      a. Xiao Li is as tall as his sister.

     b. It is as cold today as it was yesterday.

     c. There are as many seats in this hall as in that hall.

   ②.表示被比较双方在某一方面不相等或不同时, 用not as / so + adj / adv + as, 表示“…和…不一样”

     a. Xiao Li is not as / so tall as his brother.

     b. It is not so / as cold today as yesterday.

     c. There are not so / as many seats in this hall as in that hall.


1.原级的形式: 即原形


7.作状语时,各类副词的排列顺序一般为: 方式副词, 地点副词, 时间副词

     a. He behaved well here yesterday.




      a. Truly he is an honest man.

b. Still, in spite of what you say, I don’t think it is true.

