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95.Having retired from the local government, he now ____himself with the welfare of the disabled.

A.     associates             B. charges             C. occupies          D.fulfills

【解析】C:本题考查动词与with 组成的词组的不同含义:associate……with意为:使……与……相联系;  charge……with 意为:指控某人做了某事,或指派某人完成某项任务; occupy oneself with 使某人忙于某项事务  fulfills意为1)履行;完成(义务、责任等)。2)实现(ambition)


94.I’ll_____his reputation among the business in the community, and then make a decision whether or not to approve a loan.

A.take care of            B.take into account       C.take notice of     D.put up with

【解析】B:本题考查词义辨析:take care of意思为照顾(尤其指病人)  take into account 意为考虑,相当于take into consideration, take notice of:有意注意  put up with容忍。类似于tolerate.本句意为:我得先考虑他在生意圈的信誉,然后决定是否批准贷款给他。


93..----Do you regret not having gone abroad?

----Not at all. I_____ as much, but I’m glad to contribute to our motherland.

A.     didn’t earn             B. hadn’t earned         D. am not earning  D. haven’t  earned

【解析】D:本句考查现在完成时用法中“过去发生的动作对现在造成的结果和影响”这一用途,强调not having gone abroad对现在的影响。第二个说话人表达的意思是:虽然我现在没有钱像出了国那样挣那么多,但是我很欣慰为祖国做出了贡献。


92.This beer isn’t bad;I’m beginning to ____a tastefor it.

A acquire                 B.achieve              C.obtain         D.attain

【解析】A 本题考查动词。Acquire的意思是


91.News came that liouxun,a student from Nanjing ,_____from thousand of candidiates and become a torchbearer.

A.     made out             B.stood out             C.picked out      C.sent out

  【解析】C本题考查动词短语。stood out的意思是:显著,突出。在本题中翻译为:从好几千选手中脱颖而出,成为一名火炬手。pick out的意思是挑选出。


89..The government is trying to do something to_____ better understanding between the two countries.

A.     raise               B.promote             C.appeal           D.arise

【解析】B本题考查动词。Promote的意思是促进;推进。(help the progress of)  e.g promote  the good feelings between the two countries  

90 have to leave school, because my family can’t afford to _____the school fees.

A  pay                B. pay for              C.spend          D.cost

【解析】A本题考查动词。Cost的主语一般是物。Spend的意思是花费。pay  的意思是支付。afford to pay the school fees 的意思是支付得起。


88..I was late this morning because my alarm o’clock failed to______.

A.go off               B.go out               C.go away         D.go without

【解析】A:go out 作熄灭讲;go away离开; go without后接宾语,意为没有什么也行或在没有什么的情况下进行。go off此处之意为: to ring or sound loudly,作响,发出巨响.


87.----- Why not play the music we listened to to yesterday?

----Because it _____old times.

A.     call on             B. calls for             C. calls in        D. calls up;

【解析】D本题考查动词短语,call up的意思使人回想起。call on 意为拜访某人;号召某人做 什么;calls for意为要求意思为demand,另有迎接等词义;calls in意为请进来。


86.Mr.Jones didn’t ______during the flood,but she was very fightened.

A.     give away          B.give out             C.give way        D.give off

【解析】C本题考查动词短语。give away的意思是:赠送;泄露。 give out 的意思是分发;发出。 C.give way 的意思是:撤退;退缩; give off的意思是;释放;发出。


85.The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and_____ him of speeding.

A. charged            B. accused             C. blamed        D. warned

【解析】B:本句考查动词短语:charge…with…,blame …for…,下文有介词of,与accuse组成accuse…of 短语。意思为:他正驾车回家,警察拦住了他,指控他超速行驶。

