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78. With prices _____ so much, it's hard for the company to plan a budget.

A.fluctuating  B.waving  C.swinging  D.vibrating

[答案] A. fluctuating

[注释]本句前一部分是"with+名词+现在分词短语"的独立结构, 做状语。Fluctuate (=move up and down) (指物价, 标准等的) 波动。如:Prices fluctuate from year to year. (物价年年波动) wave飘扬, 挥舞; 招手; (庄稼的) 波动。Swing摆动, 摇摆; vibrate振动。可见, 根据题意, 只能选A. fluctuating.


77. Her work is often very hard and she gets very tired. The work is _____.

A.wonderful  B.splendid  C.tedious  D.magnificent

[答案] C. tedious .

[注释] tedious (=tiresome ;wearying; uninteresting) "沉闷的, 厌烦的, 乏味的”。Splendid 壮丽的, 辉煌的, 极好的。magnificent 壮丽的, 宏伟的:It was a magnificent ceremony. (这是一次盛大隆重的仪式)。


76. The engineers have rejected the employers' proposals to end the strike and the other workers have come out in _____.

A. opposition  B. return C. sympathy D. readiness

[答案] C. sympathy.

[注释] in sympathy 以示同情, come out 此处意为 (=declare oneself) 表明态度, 所以come out in sympathy 意为“表示同情”。In return 作为报答, 如:I wanted nothing in return . (我不要什么报答。) collaboration协作, 如:work in collaboration with sb. (与某人协力合作) 。Opposition 反对, 如:rise in opposition to (起来反对) 。readiness 准备 (状态); 待机, 如:having everything in readiness for departure (做好一切准备, 以便出发)。


75. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in _____.

  A. news   B. print   C. publication   D. press

[答案] B. print.

[注释]in print是习语, 意指“印出来, 发表出来”, 如:She finally saw her novel in print. (她终于看到他的小说出版了。) in print 的另一个意思是“在印行, 还在发行”, 如:This book is still in print. (这本书还在发行, 可以买到) 反义词是out of print , 意指“不在印行, 买不到了。”如:The book you speak of is out of print. (你说到的那本书已不在发行了。)


74. Although it is not our normal _____ to give credit, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.

  A. state   B. intention   C. occasion   D. practice

[答案] D. practice.

[注释]practice (=way of doing sth. That is common or habitual; sth. done regularly) 做法, 惯例 :It is my practice always to rise early. To give credit 让赊欠:No credit is given at this shop. (这家商店概不赊欠。)


73. After the show, the crowd _____ out of the theater.

  A. poured   B. melted   C. drew   D. dismissed

[答案] A. poured.

[注释]pour 此处意为:涌出, 涌来, 如:People poured out to the rally. (人们踊跃参加群众大会。)


72. My house is the only brick one on the street. It _____ and you can't miss it.

A. stands up  B. looks out  C. sticks out  D. wipes out

[答案] C. stick out.

[注释]stick out (=protrude, project) 伸出, 突出; 显露, 显眼:1) The doctor asked him to stick his tongue out. 2) Spelling mistakes stick out in this composition. (这篇作文中拼写错误很显眼。) stick out (=endure to the end) 坚持到底; If you can stick out a bit longer ,everything will be all right. (假如你能在坚持一下, 一切都会好起来。)

wipe out 擦去, 消灭, 参看III.193.注释.


71. He stopped his ears with his hands to _____ the terrible noise.

  A. show off   B. cut out   C. keep from   D. shut out

[答案] D. shut out.

[注释]shut out排除。参看IV.64。show off炫耀; cut out删掉; keep from; 1) 隐瞒; She kept the truth from me. (她向我隐瞒真相。) 2) 不沾, 避开; He keeps from alcohol. (他滴酒不沾。) 3) 使不做某事:She kept herself from laughing. (她没有笑出来。)


70. Having lived in the town for quite a few years, Mr. Johnson no longer felt _____ among the local people.

  A. out of order    B. out of place

  C. out of control   D. out of the question

[答案] B. out of place.

[注释]out of place (=in the wrong place or at the wrong time; not suitable; improper) (作表语用) 不适宜, 不得体:1) Joan was the only girl who wore a formal at the party, and she felt out of place. (=She felt embarrassed because her dress was not suitable for the party.) 2) It was out of place for Russell to laugh at the old lady. (=It was not proper; she should not have done it.) 此外,out of place (=not in the right usual place or position) (作状语用) 不在原来通常的地方:Helen fell and knocked one of her teeth out of place. Out of order 发生故障; 失调。Out of control 失去控制。Out of the question 不可能的。


69. Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.

A. swollen  B. raised  C. developed  D. increased

[答案] B. raised.

[注释]raise (=lift up) one's voice提高嗓门, 高声叫喊。Raise one's voice against sth. 意为“为抗议某事而大声疾呼”, 如:As no one raised his voice against the plan, it was agreed on. (因为没有人发表反对意见, 该计划就一致通过了。) voice的常用习语有:the public voice (舆论) , under one's voice (小声地) , with one voice (异口同声地,一致地) ,lose one's voice (嗓子哑了, 说不出话来) , have no voice with (对某事无发言权)。

