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25.(09天津) Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, the teacher will ______ the main points at the end.

A. recover    B. review    C. require    D. remember



24.(09天津) ---- Sorry, I have to ______ now. It’s time for class.

---- OK, I’ll call back later.

A. hang up    B. break up   C. give up      D. hold up



23.(09四川) -How about your journey to Mount Emei?

-Everything was wonderful except that our car _________ twice on the way.

A. slowed down   B. broke down   C. got down  D. put down

[答案]B。考查动词短语的区别,答语的意思是:一切都进展顺利除了我们的汽车在途中抛锚了两次外。break down抛锚;slow down 慢下来;get down记下,写下;put down 扑灭。所以该题的答案为B.


22.(09四川)-Have you __________?

-No. I had the wrong number.

A. got in   B. got away   C. got off   D. got through

[答案]D 考查动词短语的区别。get in”插话,收割”;get away”离开,走开”;get off”下车”;get through”接通电话,完成,到达,通过”,由此可知该题的答案为:D,意思是“你接通电话了吗?”


21.(09上海) The Great Wall is ____ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.

A. so a well-known        B. a so well-known

C. such well-known        D. such a well-known



20.(09陕西) A. notice was     in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.

A. sent up   B. given up   C. set up   D. put up

[答案]D 考查动词短语辨析。send up:发射;give up:放弃,传上去;set up:提出,提议;竖起,升起;put up:张贴。题干意思是:一个通知被张贴出来,以便告知学生们演讲的新时间。选D。


42.(09海南) Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to    them too hard.

A. draw                             B. strike

C. rush                               D. push

[答案]D。 句意为:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新事物,但不要把它们太难了。push 推,挤,逼迫;strike v. 打,罢工,划燃rush v. 冲进,匆促行事,催draw v. 拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制。根据句意,应选D。

(09山东)19 Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to _______, so she left.

A. show     B. go up     C. fit in     D. come over

[答案]C考查短语的区别:show off炫耀,卖弄;go up上升,上涨;fit in相处融洽,合得来;come over顺便来访。


18.(09山东) -------Do you have enough to ________all your daily expenses?

--------Oh yes, enough and to spare.

A. cover     B. spend     C. fill     D. offer

[答案]A 考查词义的区别:cover 意为(钱)足够的。


17.(09海南) I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t__________.

A. get along                          B. get on

C. get to                             D. get through

[答案]D。 短语动词,考查考生对词义的判断能力。句意为:我试着给她办公室打电话,但没有打通。get along 进展,相处。get on 上车;get to到达;get through通过。依据句意,选D。


16.(09江西) It is reported that the police will soon ____ the case of two missing children.

A. look upon     B. look after    C. look into    D. look out

[答案]C 本题考查动词短语。根据题意可知应选look  into “调查”。

