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72.The underlined word "drop" in the first paragraph means _______.

  A.desert                  B.dislike                 C.decline                D.neglect


71.The best title for this passage might be _______.            

  A.Education                                           B.A Mastery of English

  C.A Good Education                               D.Something About Study


70.Which of the following statements is TURE according to the passage?

  A.If you are a professional, you can’t wear a tie in Britain

  B.The tie will become more fashionable and popular in the future

  C.It was the election of John F.Kennedy to the presidency of the United States that changed the fact that wearing hats as part of their business uniform

  D.Men across the western world didn’t wear hats as part of their business uniform until around 1960


What is a good education? The question is far from being answered. Once more, colleges and universities are cha高考资源网nging their programs: they drop "fun courses" and restart some of the traditional subjects neglected (忽视) since the 1960s. Many great schools are again requiring the students to take a number of classes in English, history, literature, the social sciences, philosophy, the natural sciences, and art if they want to get a degree. Meanwhile, the experts are trying to describe the good education of our time. Obviously the purely vocational training once favored is not enough. But neither is the gentleman's education of the nineteenth century. Educational programs must meet the demands of a modern world where men and women have to work and to deal with big problems.


What, then, is a good education of this century? Some educators suggest that it should include foreign languages and the study of foreign cultures; a mastery of English, including the ability to write and speak well, because communications have become all-important in the modern world, and also because "a person who doesn't speak and write clearly doesn't reason clearly either"; some knowledge of the social sciences (sociology, psychology) that deal with human relations and human problems; some basic knowledge of modern science, which would enable future voters to be better informed about current problems like nuclear. Finally, many educators insist that all college graduates should be familiar with computers and modern information system since the educated professionals of tomorrow will have to understand their machines. Is that all? "No, of course not." answer the educators. "We have not mentioned the two great building blocks of education: history and literature!"


69.The writer may hold the opinion that _____________.

  A.Blair is the best leader in the world

  B.Kennedy is the best leader in the world

  C.millions of people will go to work without a tie

  D.people will wear hats instead of ties


68.The underlined word “vanished” in this passage may mean _________.

  A.sold                    B.washed                C.appeared             D.disappeared


67.In the business world, wearing a tie was necessary because _________.

  A.it showed you used your brain              B.it showed you got a good salary

  C.it showed you were an employer           D.it showed you were well-equipped


66.In Britain, ties were first used as a sign to show a person’s __________.

  A.personality          B.social position      C.wearing style       D.favorite hobby


65.What is the attitude of the Nepali government towards towards China's Olympic flame climb to Mount Everest's summit?

       A.negative            Bpositive            C.ambiguous        D.indifferent


Wearing ties was originally the mark of Britain’s most powerful classes, which made the tie itself a symbol of power and respect. And that led it to be adopted by a much larger tribe-the business tribe.

You cannot wear a tie if you work with machinery. So wearing a tie became a sign that you were a man who used your brain to make a living, rather than your hands. It showed you were serious. It showed you were a profess高考资源网ional. It meant that everyone who wanted a job in business had to wear one. It was just impossible to take seriously a man who didn’t wear a piece of colored silk around his neck.

This is how millions of people came to be wearing ties across the world. They are part of the uniform of business.

“Ties offer a point of indifference,” says John Milne, head of the British Guide of Tie Makers, “They give a chance to say something about their own personality.”

So if you happen to meet a man with a very brightly colored tie, there is a good chance that he is the office joker. There is also a good chance that he will be wearing brightly colored socks.

Is there a future for ties? The signs are not promising. Tie wearing seems to be rare among the new bread of entrepreneurs(创业者) in the Internet and new technology industries. Many political leaders, including former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now go without ties. This shows they are men of the people-but not the people wearing ties.

Up until around 1960, it was common for men across the western world to wear hats as part of their business uniform. That changed with the election of John F. Kennedy to the presidency of the United States. Kennedy never wore a hat-in fact his nickname was “hatless Jack”. Seeing that the most powerful man in the world did not have to wear a hat, millions of other men decided that they did not have to, either. Hats simply vanished across the Western world. Perhaps “tieless Tony” (former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair) will have the same effect as “hatless Jack”.


64.Where did the torch relay meet no trouble?

A.India             B.Nepal               C.Tanzania            D.France


63.How many times Climbers can reach the top of the mountain at most in May?

A.once                                                B.twice              

C.three times                                        D.as many times as they can

