0  46712  46720  46726  46730  46736  46738  46742  46748  46750  46756  46762  46766  46768  46772  46778  46780  46786  46790  46792  46796  46798  46802  46804  46806  46807  46808  46810  46811  46812  46814  46816  46820  46822  46826  46828  46832  46838  46840  46846  46850  46852  46856  46862  46868  46870  46876  46880  46882  46888  46892  46898  46906  447090 

25. pick out 已考义项:辨认待考义项:挑选

It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly______my friend. (2007四川)

A. turn out B.bring out       C. call out      D. pick out


24. break out 已考义项:(火灾)发生待考义项:(战争)爆发;(争吵)爆发

I was still sleeping when the fire______ , and then it spread quickly. (2006广东)

A. broke out       B. put out       C. came out      D. got out

break待考短语:break in破门而入,闯入;break into强行进入,闯入;break into pieces 破成碎片;break in two破成两半;break through 突破;break up打碎,分开;break the law 违法;break the rule 违背规章制度;break one’s word / promise 说话不算数;break one’s heart 使某人心碎


 23. break down 已考义项:坏掉;把……分成若干部分 待考义项:打破,毁掉;破除;制服;坍塌;(计划等)失败,不成功;(健康、精神)垮下来;中止,停顿

(1)The computer system______suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. (2006辽宁)

A. broke down       B. broke out       C. broke up      D. broke in

(2)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it______into parts.


A. down       B. up C. off       D. out


22. keep up with 赶上

Would you slow down a bit, please? I can’t______you. (2001北京、安徽、内蒙古春季)

A. keep up with       B. put up with       C. make up to       D. hold on to

keep待考短语:keep away (from sth.)避开;keep back 阻止,隐瞒;keep fit 保持健康;keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事;keep (good)time (钟表等)走得准;keep hold of 抓住;keep sth in mind 牢记某事;keep off 避开;keep on doing sth. 继续做某事,反复做某事;keep out 把……挡在外面;keep up 保持……使不低落;keep watch 守望;keep the law 遵守纪律;keep the rule 遵守规章制度;keep one’s word / promise 说话算数


You will find as you read this book that you just can’t keep some of these stories to______. You will want to share them with a friend. (2005湖南)w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. itself       B. yourself       C. himself       D. themselves


21. keep ... to oneself 将……作为秘密保守


20. act as 临时性充当、担任

We went to Canada to travel and my cousin______as our guide. (2005湖南)

A. played       B. showed       C. acted       D. performed

act待考短语:act out 用手势和语言表演(某件事);act on / upon 按照……行动,对……起作用


19. cut off 已考义项:使隔绝待考义项:切断(电源、自来水、煤气等)

He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was______from the outside world. (2004北京、安徽春季)

A. cut out       B. cut off       C. cut up      D. cut through

cut待考短语:cut up 切碎;cut down 砍倒,削减;cut out 切掉;cut short 剪断


18. cut in 插嘴

I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson______ . (2005湖南)

A. cut in       B. cut down       C. cut out       D. cut up


17. come on 已考义项:(表示劝说、激励、不耐烦等)来!快!得啦! 未考义项:(灾难、恐惧等)突然向……袭来;(想法等)突然产生;跟着来;进步、进展;开始(……起来),袭击,来临

―I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.

―______ , Tommy. You can do it! (2006江西)

A. No problem       B. No hurry       C. Come on       D. That’s OK

come待考短语:come across 偶然遇到;come along 出现,到来;come at 扑向;come back 回来;come from 来自于;come home 回家;come in 进来;come into 进入;come out first 得第一名;come over 过来;come round 绕道来;come to sb. (that)被某人提出;come to sth. 共计,达到;come to an agreement 达成协议;come to a decision 做出决定;come to an end 结束;come to light 真相大白;come to oneself 苏醒过来;come to terms with 甘心忍受;come up 长出,发芽;come into use 开始使用;come into being 事物局面形成;come into effect 开始生效;come true 实现

