0  46715  46723  46729  46733  46739  46741  46745  46751  46753  46759  46765  46769  46771  46775  46781  46783  46789  46793  46795  46799  46801  46805  46807  46809  46810  46811  46813  46814  46815  46817  46819  46823  46825  46829  46831  46835  46841  46843  46849  46853  46855  46859  46865  46871  46873  46879  46883  46885  46891  46895  46901  46909  447090 

51. call for 已考义项:需要 待考义项:喊某人同往某处

It’s the sort of work that______a high level of concentration. (2007山东)

A. calls for       B. makes up       C. lies in      D. stands for


50. work out 已考义项:产生某种结果待考义项:锻炼;设计出,制订出;算出

We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn’t quite______as planned. (2007陕西)

A. find out       B. give out       C. hand out      D. work out

work待考短语:work on 致力于,从事于;work at 从事


49. hold on to 抓住……不放

We thought of selling this old furniture. But we’ve decided to______it. It might be valuable. (2002)

A. hold on to       B. keep up with       C. turn to      D. look after

hold待考短语:hold up 高高举起;hold back 阻挡,抑制,退缩;hold one’s breath屏住呼吸;hold out 坚持住;hold together 使粘在一起,团结一致;get hold of 抓住


take待考短语:take off 飞机起飞,事业腾飞,脱衣服;take a chance / one’s chance冒险,碰运气;take away 拿走;take back 收回;take down 记下,取下;take on 呈现,雇用;take out带出去,拿出;take over接管w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m


48. take up 已考义项:占去;开始从事待考义项:拿起;(车等)接纳(乘客)

(1)Helen always helps her mother even though going to school______most of her day. (2004广东)

A. takes up______      B. makes up       C. saves up______      D. puts up

(2)After he retired from office, Rogers ______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest. (2006山东)

A. took up       B. saved up       C. kept up      D. drew up


47. take sth. seriously 认真对待

He began to take political science______only when he left school. (2007湖北)

A. strictly       B. truly       C. carefully      D. seriously


46. take in 欺骗;吸收

Don’t be______by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. (2007辽宁)

A. taken off       B. taken out       C. taken away      D. taken in


 45. hand over 移交

It is certain that he will______his business to his son when he gets old. (2004福建)

A. take over       B. think over       C. hand over       D. go over

hand待考短语:hand in 上交;hand out 分发;by hand用手工(做);from hand to hand从一人之手传到另一人之手;hand in hand 手拉手;shake hands with sb., shake sb. by the hand, shake sb’s hand 和某人握手;at hand 在手边,在身边;on the one hand ... , on the other hand 一方面……,另一方面……;fall into one’s hands 落入某人之手;have a hand in 染指于


44. let out 已考义项:泄露(秘密、消息)待考义项:放出;发出(声音);出租

He accidentally______he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks. (2004湖南)

A. let out______       B. took care       C. made sure______      D. made out

let待考短语:let alone 更不必说;let sb. / sth. alone 听任,不打扰;let sb. down 让某人

失望;let fly at 把……射向;let sb. in 放某人进去;let sb. into 让某人进去


(2)We’re trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we______your number incorrectly. (2006浙江)w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m

A. looked up       B. took down       C. worked out      D. brought about

look待考短语: look up to尊敬; look down upon瞧不起;look like看起来像;look as if / though似乎;look behind向后看;look back to / on回顾;look at 看着,着眼于;look for寻找;look forward to向往;look sb. in the eye(s)/ face直视某人;look after照顾;look over查看;look round / around环顾,四处打量;look on / upon ... as 把……看成……;look sb. up and down上上下下打量某人;have / take a look at看一看

