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--- Hello, I’m wondering if you have a single room available at present.
   A. With pleasure.   B. What’s up?   C. At your service.  D. Who is it?
---Would you like to go to _____ cinema with us?
   ---I would love to, but I have too much work at ____ hand.
   A. the, the         B. a, a       C. the, \    D. \, the
1)Judging from his facial _______, he is content with the new project.
   A. expression     B. expedition      C. explanation    D. experience
2)--- What’s your ______ being late this time?
   --- I’m sorry, but I ______ a former classmate on my way.
   A. reason of, met          B. cause of, came to   
C. excuse for, came across   D. explanation for, meet with
I’d appreciate _____ if you tell me in advance what time exactly you will arrive.
   A. it      B. that    C. one    D. the one
答案是A。此题考查it用作形式宾语的用法以及it, that, one 在指代前文提过的事物时的用法。这两点都是高考常考的考点。
   --- Have you seen the robber ______ ?
   --- Why ask me? You are the only one who stands _____ to him.
   A. clear, close    B. clearly, closely   C. clear, closely    D. clearly, close
  _______ your help, I would have failed to meet the deadline.
  A. With     B. For    C. Without   D. Due to

1).He can’t remember exactly when his friend Victor went back to ___UK. He only remember it was ____ Friday.
A. the, the;   B. a; the   C. a; a     D. the; a
2). Computers of this kind _____ well.
A. sell        B. sells   C. are sold     D. is sold
3). It is the young man ____ looked for _____ caught the murder.
A. that; who   B. that; they
C. they; that   D. they; which
4). If you carry on working like this, you will ____ sooner or later.
A. break down          B. give up   C. get down            D. hold on

5). This film is ____ boring, it is in fact rather exciting and fascinating.
A. anything but       B. nothing but  C. no more          D. all but
6). He ____ full marks, but he was so careless as to make a spelling mistake.
A. must have gained     B. can have gained  C. could have gained    D. must gain
7). Only when____ possible to settle the problem .
A. does the headmaster come will it be
B. the headmaster comes will it be
C. has the headmaster come it will be
D. the headmaster comes it will be)
8). ---- $500, but that is my last offer.
----- Ok, it is a _______.
A. cost        B. price     C. reward     D. deal
9). A young man came ____ to the bus stop only ___ the bus had gone.
A. running; to find  B. to run; to find  C. and run; found   D. running; finding
10). Pears are usually sold by _____ weight and eggs are sometimes sold by ____dozen.
A. the ; the          B. /; a   C. /; the       D. the; a
11). He instructed I ___ the secret until I was told to.
A. must let out  B. must not let out
C. should be let out  D. not let out
12). He came ____ to the dead dog which he found and watched it _____.
A. close; close   B. closely; closely
C. closely; close    D. closer; closely
13). It was in Lianyungang ______ is a beautiful city ___ Zhangming spent his childhood.
A. which; that   B. that; which   C. which; which  D. that; in which
14). I seized Tim by both his hands _____ he appeared in the street.
A. at moment     B. the moment   C. at moments    D. at that time
15). _____ hot, Jim uncovered his quilt, ____ only his stomach____.
A. Feeling; leaving; covered     B. Felt; left; covered
C. Feeling; left; covered        D. Felt; leaving; covered
16). He brought a white T-shirt and a red skirt. Such ___ the gift he gave me when he came back from the USA.
A. is      B. are        C. was       D. were
17). It is ____ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.?
A. a so unusual    B. such an unusual ?
C. so unusual    D. such unusual?
18).It’s only ____ 20 minutes’ ride from here to ____ Stone Company.?
A. a; the   B.不填;a    C.不填;the D. the; 不填
19).―Believe it or not, Jack came out ______ first in 100-metre race.
―You mean ________ shortest boy runs ________ fastest.
A.×; the; ×       B. the; the; the   C.×; ×; the       D. the; the; ×
20). ―Can I help you?
―I’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday, ____ at a proper price but of great use.
A. one    B. anyone   C. that        D. everything
21). This is a _ ___building, which is about ____ high.
A. six-storey; 38 metre     B. six-storeys; 38-metre
C. six-storeyed; 38 metres   D. six-storey; 38-metres
22). Our new house is very _____ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
A. convenient     B. comfortable    C. natural       D. helpful
23). So far, several ships have been reported missing _____ the coast of Bermuda Island.
A. off   B. along C. on  D. around
24)--- Good morning, Grand Hotel.
---- Hello, I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.
---- __________.
A. What can I do for you?    B. Just a minute, please.
C. What’s the matter?       D. At your service.
25). She left him, ____ never ________ foot in that house again.

A. determined; to set B. being determined; to put
C. determining; to set  D. determined; place
26). The sun was shining brightly, _____ everything there ________ more beautiful.
A. making; look B. to make; looked  C. and made; looking D. and making; be looked
27). English is a language that many people around the world ____ not speak perfectly but ____ at least understand.
A. may, can      B. would, might      C. will, must      D. could, might
28). John ____ such a thing about you. He never speaks ill of you behind your back.?
A. can’t have said   B. might not have said?   C. couldn’t say    D. mustn’t have said?
29). What would have happened ______ , as far as the riverbank?
A. if Bob has walked farther        B. if Bob should walk farther
C. had Bob walked farther         D. should Bob walk farther
30). It’s strange that they ____ nothing about this matter.
A. should know             B. would know        C. had known                  D. knew
31). If only he ____  me yesterday!
A. had seen       B. would see    C. should see        D. saw
32).---Daisy, _____ where you are so that I can easily find you.
---Yes, Mum. But will you be back soon?
A. leave         B. remain        C. last          D. go
33).―Have you ____ any information ?
―No, I'm going to _________ the business department.
A.picked up; call at  B. picked out; call on   C.got; call on  D .received ; drop in
34). Although many of the houses in the small town _____ still in need of repair, there ____ lots of improvement in their appearance.
A. are; has been  B. is; have been   C. is; are     D. are; was
35). The boy said  ____ couldn’t he work out the problem but his teacher didn’t know how to do it.
A. though        B. never   C. hardly              D. not only
36). I just don’t understand ______ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect.
A. why it does    B. what it does     C. what it is         D. why it is
37). It will be quite a long time _____ she is back again, so don’t be too cross with her.
A. that   B. since    C. before      D. until
38). ― We were going to be successful, but something went wrong at the last minute.?
― ____,but don’t give up. Try again.?
A. You didn’t mean that           B. I’m sorry to hear that ?
C. Find out the reason            D. Never mind?


2)--- You know how Mary reacted to the news? She burst out crying!
   --- Well, you __________ her the news so directly, as it is beyond her expectations.
   A. shouldn’t tell     B. shouldn’t have told   C. needn’t tell    D. needn’t have told
1)--- I’m sorry, but I have to tell you that I can’t go to your birthday party.
 --- Why? You _______.
   A. have promised    B. promised    C. are promising   D. have been promised
2)The concert _________ raise money for the famine victim.
   A. intends for       B. is intended for    C. is intended to   D. intend to
答案是C。“打算用---来做---”的常用表达形式是: “intend sth for (doing) sth”, “intend sth to do sth”。此题中concert是主语,故应选择被动语态。此题把对语态的考查与对短语动词和主谓一致的考查结合起来,是高考考查的常见形式。因其更综合,更复杂,就更需要考生有扎实的基础知识。
1)Last week our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem ______ none of us worked out.
       A. that       B. which       C. as      D. who
答案是C。本题考查定语从句的关系代词,关系代词在定语从句中作主语或宾语。work out是及物动词,意为“计算出”,其后应接宾语,这里as作关系代词,和such或so连用。如果本句改为…worked it out,则该题应选为A,构成such…that结构,引导结果状语从句。
2)The spokesman said that the new policy was unfair to his country and ______ they would take some legal steps.
   A. that       B. what        C. whether   D. \
答案是A。 本题考查宾语从句的连接词。一个谓语动词后接两个宾语从句时,第二句的连接词(尤其是that)不可以省略。有关各类主从复合句的区别和常用连接词的知识点仍将是高考常考的考点,对此考生要注意梳理基础知识,并在做题时注意题干的细节,不能漏掉任何有助于答题的信息,从而提高答题的准确率。
1)I don’t remember how many years ago ______ I last showed you around the factory.
A. it was that      B. was it that   C. it was when    D. was it when 
答案是A。 本题考查强调句和宾语从句的语序。这种几个考点结合起来设计题目的方式在高考题目中很常见。“it was that”是强调句的标志词,句中的宾语从句how many years ago it was that…由强调句it was many years ago that…转化而来。
2)---We are expected to finish the work by 6 o’clock this evening.
---______ if we can’t manage it?
A. What          B. How        C. Why          D. When
答案是A。本题考查省略句型。what if意思是“如果……怎么办;即使……又有什么关系”。相当于一个主从复合句,条件句完整,主句因上下文比较清楚,省略了“will happen”。
3)Only when he got hurt _______ the importance of road safety.
   A. he realized      B. did he realize   C. he has realized  D. had he realized
答案是B。本题考查的是倒装句型和句子的时态。only, so引导的内容提前或否定词提前,句子要进行部分倒装。而此句的时态应该是过去时。
--- Hello, Grand Hotel. _______


1)---Could you please _____ me five minutes to discuss this proposal, sir?
   ---Of course, but try to be brief.
   A. afford   B. spare    C. share    D. break
答案是B。afford意思是“负担得起”;spare意思是“抽出,匀出(时间)”;share意思是“与---共享--(share sth with sb)”;break意思是“休息一下”。
2)This product ______ from others in that it is of higher quality.
   A. distinguishes   B. identifies   C. differs   D. distincts
答案是C。distinguish意思是“区别,辨别”;identify 意思是“识别,鉴定”;differ意思是“有别于,区别于”;distinct是形容词,意思是“明显的,独特的”。
1)A heavy snow this winter ______ a good harvest next year.
   A. intends   B. mean    C. promises     D. bring
2)--- Can you imagine his being _____ with murder?
   --- How come? He is such a kind man.
   A. charged   B. accused   C. sentenced   D. arrested
3、常用动词的短语搭配。 例如:
1)--- When and where should I _______?
   --- 6 o’clock tonight at the gate of my company.
   A. put you up   B. set you up   C. pick you up   D. pick you out
2)--- Congratulations on your moving to the new house!
   --- Thanks. And welcome to visit us someday after we _______.
   A. break down  B. settle down   C. put down    D. calm down
1)--- What should we do with the empty bottles?
--- Our teacher advises _______ them.
   A. to sell   B. selling   C. having sold   D. sell
答案是B。advise的常用结构是advise sb to do sth,但没有sb作宾语时,结构即为:advise doing。用于此类用法的词还有:allow, permit等。有些动词后面是固定用doing的,如:imagine, suggest, mind等。有些动词短语也是固定接doing的,如:pay attention to, get down to, devote oneself to等。以上几类词或短语要在复习时注意总结和归纳。
2)Who do you think would be able to solve the problem _______ now?
    A. discussed   B. to be discussed    C. having been discussed   D. being discussed
答案是D。本题选项中罗列了四种非谓语动词的常见形式,特意免除了对被动语态的考查,同学们可以从中清楚地看出非谓语形式作定语的几种情况:to do 表示将要去做某事;doing表示正在做某事;having done表示已经做完某事;done 表示某事已被做完。同学们如能牢记这四种情况的基本意思,并细心体会语境,就能在类似题目的解题过程中得心应手了。
3)_______ from behind, the girl in white looks like an angel.
    A. Seen     B. Seeing         C. To see    D. Having seen
答案是A。此题考查非谓语动词用作状语的情况。此时to do表示目的;doing表示正在进行的伴随情况,与主语间是主动关系;having done表示已经完成的伴随情况,与主语间是主动关系;done表示已经完成的伴随情况,与主语间是被动关系。此类题目的解题关键是判断主语与可选动词间是主动还是被动关系,以及动作是在进行还是已经完成。
1)The competition time was too limited, but fortunately our team ______ finish the task right before the deadline.
   A. could       B. would    C. were able to    D. might
答案是C。本题考查情态动词的基本含义与区别。两者同时存在时,can 表示可能性;be able to则更强调有能力完成某事。此类考查的重点还有:might在表示推测时语气最弱; shall用于第三人称的问句中常表示客气地询问第二人称意见,以及shall表示承诺、命令、威胁等语气;would表示过去常常做某事等。


3. The car was a ________(廉价货) at that price. ((2006陕西)

析: a应修饰可数名词单数,因此该空应填bargain。

第三步: 定写


典型考例: ________(一月) is the first month of the year. (2006全国卷II)






2. Please give my ________(祝贺) when you see her. (2006陕西)

析: my为形容词性物主代词,应修饰名词,因congratulation表示“祝贺”时常使用复数形式,因此该空应填congratulations。


1. Jenny spends hours in front of the ________ (镜子)!(2006全国卷II)



5. They got lost in the desert and  ________ (挨饿) to death. (2006陕西)


二、 名词应考虑其单复数及所有格形式


