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take sth. by mistake 错拿某物
4. make friends with 与...交朋友

make faces 做鬼脸make a fire 生火  make an excuse 找籍口

  make a...sound 发...音  make tea 沏茶 make room for... 为...找出空间

make it 如期赴约 make a team 组成一个队

 eg.Let's make it half past one.     注意:时间前不用介词at       


3. make a mistake 犯错误 mistake A for B 把A错认为B


2. have an accident 出事故       have a good time  =enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴

  have a cold wet day 天气又冷又湿      have a cough 咳嗽  have a drink(of)... 喝一杯...

have a talk 听报告 have lunch 吃午饭  have...for lunch 午饭吃...

have a meeting 开会have no idea 不知道 have a rest 休息一下


1. get on/off(the bus) 上/下车   get up 起床  get ready for 为...作准备

get oneself dressed 自己穿衣服 get well (better) 身体好    get in 进入,收集

get sb.sth.=get sth.for sb. 为某人买某物

get on well with sb/sth. 与某人相处很好,...进展顺利


 3、The game is very ___ and she's ___ in it.  A. interesting, interesting   B. interested, interested

 C. interested, interesting    D. interesting, interested



 2、Work hard, ___you won't catch up with the others.  A. but   B. and   C. if   D. or        


 思考题         1、The farmer was___tired___he couldn't fall asleep.

 A. very…to   B. too…to   C. so…that   D.neither…nor  


 8、The_______ (visit) from France are going to visit our school this afternoon.        


 7、Mrs. Green liked to stay _____ (safe) at the same place.     


 6、His parents were _________ (happy) because he had failed the exam again.      

