0  77527  77535  77541  77545  77551  77553  77557  77563  77565  77571  77577  77581  77583  77587  77593  77595  77601  77605  77607  77611  77613  77617  77619  77621  77622  77623  77625  77626  77627  77629  77631  77635  77637  77641  77643  77647  77653  77655  77661  77665  77667  77671  77677  77683  77685  77691  77695  77697  77703  77707  77713  77721  447090 

50.A.ears       B.eyes        C.heart    D. nose

5l. A.out of     B. in         C. in the   D. out of the


49.A.roads      B.treets      C.fields   D. ways


48.A.worried    B.alone      C.happy    D. lonely


47.A.they       B./         C.who      D. people


46.A.mustn't    B.needn't    C.can't    D.couldn’t


  Happiness exists everywhere.You 46 care about those people who ownbeautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those    47  have nice cars and a lot of money and so on.Why? Because the people who have big houses may often feel  48  and those who have cars may want to walk on the country  49  in their free time.

     In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your ­­­­ 50   into it.When you

are  5 1  trouble at school,your friends will help you;when you study hard at your

lessons,your parents are  52 taking good care of your life and your health;when

you get  53,your friends will say congratulations to you;when you do  54   ,

people around you will help you to correct it.And when you do something good to

others,you will feel happy,too.All these are your happiness.If you notice 55

them,you’II see happiness is around you.

Happiness is not the same  56  money.It is a  57  of your heart.When you

are poor.you can also say you are very happy,because you have something else that

can’t  58  with money.When you meet with difficuhies,you can say loudly that

you are very happy,because you have more chances to 59  yourself .So you can’t

always say you are poor and you have bad luck.As the saying goes, “Life is like a revolving(旋转的)   60  .When it closes,it also opens”.If you take every chance you get,you can be a happy and lucky person.


45.一How many students walk to school in your class?

一Let me see.There are ______.

A.32     B.24       C.16      D.8


44.一It was careless ____ you to have left your clothes outside at nighe.

―My God!_______.

A.of,So did I   B.of,So I did  C.for,So was I  D.for,So I was


43.一We haven't heard from Kate for a long time.

    一What do you suppose ______ to her?

    A.was happening           B.to happen

    C.has happened            D.having happened


42.--Could you tell me______to fly to Shanghai?

    ―About two hours.

    A.how long it takes       B.how long is it

    C.how long does it take   D.how long did it take

